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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I think Golf is predicting Bolden, McCray and Ryan Williams to flip to AU. We need to hold him to it
  2. I dont think Echols is technically a flip since he decommited
  3. I would take that. U stack top 5 classes for a couple yrs and u cooking with peanut oil
  4. Great point. It's gotta be something from us wanting him bad last yr to not caring this yr
  5. I guess he still ain't as good as Pt.
  6. IMO he just wants a little suspense. Insiders say they not heard about Perry wavering. Follow the visits. When is last time he was at bama?
  7. Just general discussion. Feel free to skip over it
  8. Wiltfong mentioned Cam Ward and AU this morning on Sirius radionshow
  9. Just watched an interview with Williams. It didn't sound like he was all that solid to Bama, to me. Still committed, yes. But didn't sound like it's a done deal yet. And it was with Bama On3 reporter
  10. On the Cubelic an McElroy show today. The had finebaum on there. Heisman candidates for next year came up. They mentioned Milroe and Beck. Then either Cubelic or McElroy said something along the lines that Beck was asking for 4 mil in NIL. Finebaum agreed. Not saying I believe it but Cubelic is pretty in tuned
  11. Don't know. Was reported on Cole Cubelic and Greg McElroy show this morning when Finebaum was on there
  12. Staff needs to go all in. Most of the class will sign in Dec. I doubt we will be recruiting many other than Williams to sign in Feb
  13. As a point if reference. GA starting QB, Beck wants 4mil. In NIL money to come back next yr.
  14. I predict he will go to which ever school has the last official visit
  15. I would certainly hope that if he intends to bring in a transfer that it would be in this early window so they could go thru spring ball. Interesting that Riley Leonard hasn't committed to ND yet
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