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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I have to say. For someone who lights it up in high school recruiting. Freeze has made some puzzling decisions in regards to the portal this year. Has this cat played WR at any point in college?
  2. I'm not sure what Christians spout out " nonsense". But the good thing about it is each is responsible whatever nonsense they spit out. Like I said, it's a big part of Who Freeze and Pearl are. It's revelant. It should be able to be discussed without having to have a thread locked or turned into personal attacks. I'm glad he is open w his faith.
  3. Well to be fair it's usually the other way around where Christians sit back and say nothing. Then when we do it gets framed as us vs them.
  4. Thanks. That's the point I was trying to make. You made it alot better than I did
  5. To be fair most threads on here get hijacked to some degree. Almost impossible to avoid
  6. In the world we live it, that doesn't matter. It's like any other subject on the board. People don't have to comment on it or even read the posts. Family and beliefs are a big part of what AU offers. But Hugh's faith as well as Bruce's are a big part if who they are and it's intertwined with how they run their programs. I think it's great and we should be able to discuss it. Those who don't want to don't have to partake.
  7. Freeze was hired particularly cause he can recruit. We are seeing that now. Next step, on field development. Need to stair step. Get better each year, stack 2 or 3 classes to compete with the upper SEC. Headed in right direction.
  8. Believers will always be questioned. Especially vocal Believers. Hugh is open with his faith. He will get criticism over it. It's the world we live in sadly
  9. You proved my point with your first 2 sentences. It's the way of the world
  10. How much longer will Freezes past transgressions continue to be brought up? It's been close to 8 years. He is a human who is also a man of faith. He is public with his faith which makes him an easy target to some. Many football coaches have past transgressions that arent aired because they aren't public with their faith. I can only imagine the scandal if Dabo did something unscrupulous. I would love to know what Jimbo was taking about when he went on his Saban rant. But since Saban isn't public with his faith it wouldn't have the same effect. When u are public with your faith you can expect to have every aspect of your life nit picked. Tim Tebow is a perfect example. Non believers as well as some believers will look for anything to criticize or try to point out hypocrisy. It's just the way of the world.
  11. Has he set his official visit schedule yet? If he is taking 5 officials, he will be crunched for time
  12. The next game can't get here quick enough.
  13. I think them cats u talking about from Huntsville are both juniors. Both are guards . One is 6'7". The other is 6'5". Both can play.
  14. We missed on KJ. We should have an opening at safety?
  15. This guy should have already been locked down. Syracuse has zero advantage above us on this recruitment. Freeze is killing it on high school recruiting but he said himself he is trying to figure portal recruiting out.
  16. Freeze and Co. Ain't messing around. I'm hoping KJ Lacey flips next. We are seeing something at AU we have never seen. To be flipping players left and right from GA and Bama is unheard of. Before long we wont have to flip them. Th ey will commit to AU from the get go.
  17. That decision should have been made long b4 mid-season. Freeze had all spring and fall camp as well as tape from last year to see that Robby didn't fit in his future plans. I like Freeze. I just hope this doesn't come back to bite him if PT gets hurt.
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