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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I dont have a problem going with the youth movement. If we don't though, we won't win 5 games next year. Another screw up by Freeze this year by not giving HG or HB snaps instead of wasting them on RA.
  2. When I watch PT struggle to throw for 75, yeah 150 would be an improvement. Probably win a couple more games this past year.
  3. What did he muster over the course of 3 yrs. He threw over 150 yds 7 times this year, against Bama lsu ole miss included. Did PT break 100 against any of them? It's a mute point, Gustav got him
  4. Same can be said about any portal addition at any position. We have proof PT isn't the answer. We need QB with 1 yr to get to WW Or Hank. I have to think KJ would be better than throwing for less than 100 yds a game. He has done it for more than 1 yr against SEC defenses. Word is he wouldn't be that expensive. Bring him in and if PT beats him out, so be it. Our Back up QB have thrown for 35 passes combined.
  5. Freeze has said multiple times he didn't like the offensive game plan. Yet thus far he has kept Montgomery. Kinda weird to me
  6. Na, let's just keep the one we got. No need to try to improve. It's amazing we want to improve the roster. I guess that just applies to WR. We run most of the wr we got from the portal off and got 2 more from the portal. Guess no improvement needed in QB room.
  7. I keep hoping I will log onto here and see we are making a serious run at a portal QB. Looks like a pipe dream at this point . I refuse to believe that KJ wouldn't be an upgrade over PT. I don't think PT has the support of the players either. If PT had progressed any as the season went along , I could see him being the guy next yr. He didn't. He got worse IMO
  8. It wouldn't take that much to get KJ. Several QB in the portal are rated higher
  9. He didn't have any trouble speeding dating all them G5 transfers he brought in last year
  10. Here is what I would do regarding QB. Get a QB from the portal. KJ Jefferson would be a perfect fit for Freezes offense. He has 1 yr left. We have seen what PT brings to the table. Does anyone actually think PT is gonna improve that much during yr 2? I will take my chances on KJ for 1 yr vs another yr of PT. That will bridge the gap to Hank or Walker or whoever. I've seen what PT brings and watched enuf of KJ to think it would be an upgrade. This clown show this year that Hugh calls an offense isn't just on the WR. Anyone else notice the change of body language when Hank was in?
  11. He can recruit, not sure on coaching. Most of these position coaches are just journeyman
  12. You good with PT being QB next yr?
  13. He walked his endorsement of PT back. But it's too late to get a Portal QB
  14. We need a QB to bridge the gap to Hank and White. But since Freeze has been so stubborn, most of the portal QB are off the market
  15. He has no clue who the QB will be. He painted himself in a corner saying he wasn't gonna get a Portal qb because if he did PT and Gernier would transfer. That's just more reason to get one IMO
  16. All of that is true. The problem to me is when Freeze makes comments that he wasn't very involved in the game plan because he was recruiting. To say that is asinine at worst and foolish at best. It gives the appearance that he can't multi task and is in over his head and is clueless at time mgmt. I've never heard a coach make such a statement.
  17. I just don't see what Freeze sees in PT. Go get a Portal QB to bridge the gap to Hank and Walker. If PT and Geriner leave, so be it. Freeze is taking hope away from fans if he does nothing. It's Gus level stubborn. I don't understand what more he needs to see.
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