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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. U need to fly up to the nest. All the insiders are caucusing up there as we speak.
  2. Just 1 of the dominoes, more will follow
  3. You hear anything on a time frame?I heard before school starts back
  4. IMO. be like fixing up a house. Gotta have demo day first. Then the reconstruction begins
  5. Hunter is another one AU is fighting to keep out of portal
  6. I agree. Hugh needs to get the show on the road and get it started
  7. I dont see Roberts staying at AU if we bring in Kelly as co def coordinator. That's like telling Roberts he can't do the job. More likely scenario is Kelly is named Def coordinator and someone say ummmmm Trob is named Co def coordinator and safeties coach. Just some food for thought.
  8. Just my opinion. The Cam Ward to AU may not be dead yet. He hasn't signed with an agent. Go watch his "video" where he says he is going pro. Seems sketchy to me. 5 second video. 1 sentence. This screams he is using it as leverage to me. Will AU pay is the ?
  9. Behind a paywall. Sorry, I shouldn't have made the post. But I'm sure it's being discussed in the nest as well.
  10. Freeze is chewing up alot of goodwill with the AU faithful. How he handles this transfer QB situation is very important. He can't standby and do nothing. He is going to have to backtrack on what he said about not getting a portal QB.
  11. I have a feeling he won't be making statements like he was too busy recruiting to know the game plan anymore
  12. Freeze waiting on announcing Salters transfer to AU until the portal window closes so PT or HG can't transfer out till the spring window
  13. So, we should expect 11 wins and a spot in SEC championship game next yr?
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