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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Correct. Got my Bammer coaches mixed up
  2. The thing about Lanning is he has only been a HC for 2 yrs. Bama prob arrogant enuf to think they can do better
  3. The main thing at play here is this.. Who really wants to follow Saban? Esp some one already making enuf 💰 to burn a wet mule. Ask Ray Perkins how it is to follow a legend. I bet he still has the brick
  4. Let's see if any bama players transfer now, 30 days if a coach leaves
  5. This thread us shriveling up on the vine 😃
  6. I guess lessons were learned from the last time
  7. I think I read somewhere that Saban has had 7 different OC's in the last 9 yrs. So, it's not just an AU thing. To me, the only similarly to Harsin's 1st year is the record only. Different vibe around Freeze
  8. U want it all don't u Bro? I like it!!
  9. Fancy titles= more 💰. Kinda like in the real world
  10. Hasn't Charles Kelly already been hired? Or do u mean 1 of those 2 instead of Trob?
  11. According to their board he interviewed this past wkend for LB job
  12. If Roberts goes to Florida. That will open the door for Kelly and someone else ,Trob? To come back to AU. That's gotta be the reason Kelly hasn't been announced yet
  13. Caddy to the NFL. Derrick Nix to AU as OC/RB coach
  14. Since we are not getting a portal QB. I sincerely hope Freeze has an open competition like he said he would. Scary to think that our best QB option has attempted 9 passes. But that's where we are.
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