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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I dont understand how people think that Calzobe is the answer. He had better talent at A&M than he will have at AU..Not a championship level QB. Jimbo is no slouch as an offensive coach either
  2. Yep. But why aren't we pursuing Dart or any other QB in the Portal? Maybe we are and are keeping it under wraps
  3. Actually it was the first time. And it really don't matter if it was the first or 100th. Free country and all
  4. LOL see what I mean.. Its " ironic"... And b4 anyone says anything, yes I see the irony
  5. Be careful what u ask for. Last time I suggested the thread get back on track. I was blasted for being " annoying" and was told to let the conversation flow and just happen
  6. I will ask u... Who is our QB....who is our go to receiver.... Who is the anchor of our Off line....
  7. Basically all we have done is swap Nix for Calzada.. Don't seem like much if an upgrade to me to this point
  8. Not trying to be a downer.. But if we only have 5 days for transfers to be eligible in spring , it ain't looking good... I will ask the board. 1. Who is our QB? 2. Who is our go to Receiver? Or any receiver for that matter 3. Who will anchor our off Line? Granted the Defense will be solid, but offense looks pedestrian at best
  9. Exactly.. all we heard from insiders is AU would be hitting the portal hard to fill needs..so far needs ain't being met
  10. Seen this movie b4... you gotta have a QB to compete AND Ashford don't seem like Harsin guy.. more like Gus QB
  11. Which was the case in 2019 with Bocephus Nix..I heard Harsin was gonna hit the portal hard for OL QB WR etc... have we got 1 portal commitment yet this yr? I know it's early but other schools are getting commitments
  12. All this is very depressing. Why can't we get semi top shelf QB ... I just don't get it
  13. I dont think nobody knows where Caleb Williams is or where he is visiting.. I'm beginning to wonder if he even existd
  14. Seems alot of people going overboard the other way. Its like we hanging on every word some random poster posts.... Nothings changed... CW still ain't committed to anyone
  15. Has anyone else besides this Lawyer cat confirmed CW is on Campus today?
  16. Does anyone know who this Chance Lawyer Is? Is he legit?
  17. Point taken . We can agree to disagree. I don't think we win 10 with either of them in 2022.. Hope I'm wrong
  18. Just so I understand what your saying.... U think we win 10 this year with Calzada or Finley?
  19. I agree. However, it's very possible that AU starting QB next fall will be a backup from another SEC school ( Calzada or Finley). Doesn't exactly give hope to fans or strike fear in opponents.
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