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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Here is my 2 cents. I think Harsin told Mason to find other employment. Then he waited till Mason found another job, so it could look like he resigned instead of being fired..just my 2 cents
  2. When will we hear Mason has officially left? Or is it not gonna be announced and he just shows up in press box at Okie St games wearing a cowboy hat and orange and black chaps
  3. Can u elaborate without giving forbidden Details? LOL
  4. Is the TJ referenced.. TJ Finley?
  5. Can u elaborate on who was doing the IG story. Which Players? I've heard bits and pieces and tried to find the scoop
  6. I like Harsins approach. Wish more personnel issues were addressed in the portal though. Mason and Bobo didn't work out for whatever reason. Harsin has to have at least 2 more years. The talk of him already on hot seat is foolish. Sometimes u gotta break it on down, to build it back up.
  7. EVERYONE RELAX..... JBOY just said no one should panic over Mason leaving
  8. Na, just old fashioned donuts.. opens 4am ... gotta get there early
  9. It's a hole in the wall mom and pop place, not a chain
  10. U may wanna rethink that . We got a good donut place up here
  11. I would bet u a dollar to a donut if Harsin had it to do over, he wouldn't have hired Mason or Bobo. He would have just brought the Potato gang and some other coaches from west coast sprinkled in with some former AU players
  12. Once again. I never said he didn't coach or quit coaching or whatever. I simply said it's possible he had more input from assistants in the IB or some other game for that matter, than he wanted. It's also possible he devised each game plan all by himself with no input from assistants whatsoever. It's possible Harsin ticked him off over it. It's also possible Mason hates living in Auburn and doesn't agree with the pregame meal menu and just wants out. I have no idea and no one on here does either. But to totally dismiss the chance that Harsin has done something to tick Mason off is naive thinking.
  13. Changing the subject.. if the rumors are true, why do u thing Mason is looking to leave
  14. Pressure of the QB , blitzing, disguising coverages. In contrast to Miss St rushing 3 the whole game.. Come on Cole, u had to see a different game plan
  15. Never said he didn't coach. That's the 3rd time I've said that. Maybe he was told put more of Schmedings ideas into the game plan. Some coaches have fickle egos.. Or like I said maybe Mason devised it all himself. But something new was put in for Bama . That isn't debatable
  16. Look , I didn't say he gave up coaching.. I have no idea if he did or not. Maybe a coincidence. Maybe he was told to take more input from Asst coaches or maybe he devised the plan all by himself. I have no idea which was the case and u don't either. But u can't be serious comparing Miss St Offense to Bama. Miss st runs no more hurry up than Bama... All they do is pass nearly every play.
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