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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Folks need to go read what Chandler Wooten said about Harsin.. Hoke interviewed him. IF this improper relationship is debunked, all this will be is a big ole Nothing Burger, that's destroyed the man's name and hurt his family. IF he is guilty of the relationship, he is gone. BUT if not, someone will have some explaining to do and I hope whoever started it is outed.
  2. I understand. Just seems like the focus has shifted and is on how mean Harsin is. I have no interest in knowing who the other party is or potentially is.
  3. Has the improper relationship been Debunked? Everyone now is focusing on how mean Harsin is.
  4. That's what I'm waiting to hear. Could still get ugly if Harsin is innocent and pursues litigation. All the other stuff sounds like a hard nose culling to me
  5. This reminds me of the Hoosiers movie.. Folks wanted the new coach fired cause he wouldn't listen to fans. Was a hard A$$ and did it his way... Who is our Jimmy Chitwood?
  6. Improper relationship alleged and former players tweeting about some form of abuse.
  7. Do u think their is a chance that all this blows over, nothing is said, it's never Addressed? And Harsin slogs on toward the spring practice and we never really know what did or did not happen..
  8. If I said both sides are working on a buyout, would I be in the Ballpark? I understand if u don't want to answer that...
  9. Golf... do u think Harsin is AU coach come this time next Week?
  10. And in a vague way threatened to fist fight them to..LOL
  11. I dont see how this ends well for AU either way. It's being talked about all morning on ESPN. It has to be addressed to mitigate further damage. If rumors true, he will be gone. If not true, he probably gone still. Officials at AU have to get in front of this... Do we even have PR dept
  12. I would prefer Champ over Kevin Steele
  13. If this goes down, Muschamp is my choice. Recruiting is fixed immediately, could even be long term choice depending on how he does..
  14. Titan do u have a timeline on when we know something one way or the other?
  15. Thanks, makes it alot easier to keep up with
  16. Can someone please fill me in... I guess I'm outta the loop.. Is this news on Harsin job security related to performance or something else..Some sort of family Rumor?
  17. also, JBOY is sending out cryptic tweets. No idea on his credibility on this though
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