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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. It's being floated around if not insunaged
  2. To me, the saddest part of all this isn't what does or doesnt happen to Harsin or even AU. It's the young lady who is being associated with it.. If u goggle Bryan Harsin, her name and pic pops up all over the place. Then u have idiots making all sorts of disgusting comments. To do that b4 any substantial proof is presented, shows how far we have regressed as a society. I can't imagine how the girl or her family feel.If it's not true,, and I were her,I would be finding a lawyer to make an example of some folks. Cudos to whoever on the forum set boundaries so that crap couldn't be posted on here.
  3. What's bad is even if everything is debunked... Can Harsin continue and be effective with a split locker room and basically no support from the PTB? He is in a no win situation. Once u are accused of the "R" word its hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
  4. Yep, that will be Harsins undoing IMO...Damage has been done regardless of the findings
  5. This will be my final response to u. I will say it again for the umpteenth time. If Harsin is fired, I will say u were right and I was wrong. It has to be exhausting for u to have to continually be re enforced or validated that you could be correct in some prediction u made. Now u go ahead and respond to this post and get the last word so we can end this back and forth.
  6. Let it rest bro.. like I said. If he is fired.. I will say u were right and I was wrong... That's what u are after correct?
  7. I was about to say that, but it would be better received if someone who had been here longer than me did
  8. Au 24... He didn't have the REC at those other schools
  9. Don't know, but Viper seems to know something we don't
  10. Yep. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. But don't worry, if Harsin is fired , I will say u were right and I was wrong
  11. Yeah, silly me for not putting a disclaimer on their like a scandal or racism accusations..
  12. AU Golf, Titan or someone. Please summarize where things stand right now. Rumors, improper relationships, racism.. This is all over the place. Has Harsin been asked to come back from vacation and Declined? Please advise where the situation stands at this time..
  13. So u foresaw this potential scandal days b4 it broke?
  14. He outta be well rested.. we didn't sign anyone
  15. I know rich folk do it different. But isn't this a weird time to be taking a Vacation? Is this a dead time for college coaches?
  16. That is from Auburn Beat writer on AL COM. Sorry I can't say or spell his name
  17. Hearing Alan Green is meeting w team now
  18. Question... since Pres Gouge has said they are looking at things separating fact from fiction etc... Should we expect another statement from him or the new Prez if Harsin is found innocent??? I would think that's the right thing to do.. Obviously if he is fired we will get a statement from Him on that, but it should go both ways since Gouge has acknowledged an investigation is going on
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