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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. What is the amount or is their somewhere on the site to get more info
  2. How does the doner site Work? One time donation or pay each month?
  3. From what u posted earlier u said if what is being posted on insider board is true, a rumor about an affair is least of Harsins worries... I'm hearing when this comes out, it will be a major embarrassment for the university. You Agree? This may be the reason they haven't interviewed players... Cause in the end it won't matter what they say.. its that bad..
  4. So does the ax fall tomorrow when Harsin gets back in town?
  5. If he is canned. I hope AU spells out exactly why to help the next coach
  6. Who u think breaks it First? Phillip is all but saying it... Hoke saying it not as forcefully...
  7. Hoke also speculates decision has been made. He also confirmed Harssin wouldn't come back early from vacay to meet w Gouge..
  8. Are u kidding . Prime would take the job in a heartbeat.
  9. It has some interesting quotes in there from other SEC coaches as well as high school coaches in the region. Of course, all are anonymous
  10. Just an off the wall question.... are their posters on here with more than 1 screen name?
  11. Golf, have u read the ESPN article that came out this evening? If so, do u agree with any of it?
  12. I agree,very unusual for a sitting coach to call the media and air his side of the story. Especially if he is on vacay
  13. Pretty easy to understand. Yellow Fellow and his possee want Harsin to ride out of town at sundown
  14. Anyone know when Harsin gets back from vacation?
  15. This is all really quite simple.. Has this done enuf damage that Harsin/AU can't compete. If the answer is yes.. Pay the buy out and move on. AU will suffer in the end , either w 2 or 3 more Yrs with Harsin hamstrung or right now for firing a coach after 1 yr
  16. Texas how confident are u that he makes it to fall?
  17. And Gouge needs to report results of findings. You can't come out and say their is an investigation, then never address it and hope it all goes away.. Gouge opened the door, he has to report back otherwise this thing continues to fester which leads to more wild assumptions and accusations.
  18. I'm not sure we will ever know what's truth from fiction. Just seems some player levels a complaint. Then another rebutts it.
  19. I've seen what ex players have said. Haven't seen what ex coaches have said. Can u elaborate?
  20. Cole, I know u and I have had our back and forth, but I would like to know your opinion. I think I've read where u know current or past past players that have transferred.. My question is.... I don't mean to put words in your mouth , but it seems u think Harsin should be fired.. If not , please correct me.. But, if that's how u feel. Is it because what Harsin has done ( not the affair rumor), but the abuse, mistreatment, etc....OR is it because Harsin will never have full support that's needed to win here because of the bad PR Auburn has and will receive over this..
  21. Any idea what happened for AU to start an investigation. Someone had to start the ball rolling and say... OK we need to investigate this. Question is who was that someone... I assuming it wasn't Allen Green
  22. Harsin will be fired.. Harsin don't know how to deal with kids from the Hood...PTB will ruin AU... Steele will be next coach.. Harsin has no people skills.. I think that covers it
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