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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. That's why they got buildings named after them
  2. Harbert and Yellow fella would do it in a minute. Especially if they can have a say in who we hire. Most of them dudes, having power at AU is their obsession
  3. I read somewhere earlier that Harbert was worth 6 billion.. 18 million to him is like me and u eating off the dollar menu
  4. Bro,it's just like the national debt.. Nothing but a bunch of numbers..
  5. When this is all over, ain't nobody gonna know what happened. It will be hush hush.It will be a sealed legal document and we won't know what the settlement is, the findings of the investigation or the terms. Then the usual suspects on here will throw doodie against the wall, thinking they know all the details of the settlement.. Book it...
  6. According to Hoke, they asked him to come back from his vacay early, Harsin refused
  7. If you are referring to me and my question to u earlier , u couldn't be more wrong. I have read some of your posts and seemed like u had a good handle on things and just wanted your take. It wasnt a " gotcha" move on my part by any means
  8. Dag... Hearing Harsin was asked to take a reducU? buyout, but refused. That's why it hasn't been announced.. Au trying to dig up more dirt...both sides waiting to see who blinks first... What say u?
  9. Oh if we could fast forward 2 days... Everyone would see how much time we wasted trying to disect this situation
  10. I would too If I was him and did nothing fireable...I would tell AU to go pound sand and get every penny... I change my tune if he has done something worthy of being fired
  11. DAG, with all this going on. I have thought about donating and joining doner board.. Is the donation not worth it IYO?
  12. What us the firable offense committed by Harsin?
  13. Is this the same person? The one from Boise or a different one?
  14. Them not having been talked to by the decision makers tells u all u need to know. This is more than Harsin being mean or not caring about players. It's much deeper than that
  15. No screaming allowed... new prerequisite for the new coach . He also has to hand out candy to the players after practice
  16. If u don't know names and don't know top 2... how do u know its not steele
  17. Jusc...we gotta pony up to get the goods
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