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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Question. Why not suspended Harsin with pay till the investigation is Over? Isn't that standard practice during investigations?
  2. Probably need to learn how to spell his name first
  3. Dag, to answer your question no. But, your question confirms that certain posters have more than 1 screen name. NWALTIGER OUT!!
  4. Ok like I said me and u just wired different.... I bet Saban wasn't hobknobbing in Mexico after he went 7-6 his first year..
  5. Cause further issues???? By him being at work and doing his job trying to stop the bleeding?
  6. So this is a change from what u were thinking last week. Guess the worm may be turning
  7. If he feels that way he needs to take the reduced buyout and get out of AU
  8. Take the investigation out of it... he loses his d coord to a lesser job and pay cut.. His off coordinator quits after 2 weeks .. players leaving left and right.. point being, he don't need to be doing the limbo in cozumel.. He needs to be addressing these things and numerous others
  9. Point being, he got plenty he needs to be doing here. Things I listed above as well as lots more.. This thing has been imploding around him since Dec... He needs to be here leading, investigation or no investigation..
  10. I guess me and u just wired different..
  11. I disagree...he calls ESPN from his vacation spot...while his current players are speaking up for him on his behalf.... not to mention, he didn't sign a single player last week. Has no Off coord, about to lose secondary coach...his program is falling apart around him... seems like he has plenty he needs to do
  12. Was this whole thread started prematurely?
  13. True, alot of that was probation issues too
  14. I also don't think it was very smart of Harsin, with all this going on to stay in Mexico, with a Sombrero on drinking drinks with an umbrella. He should have returned to AU and do what leaders do. Just my opinion, I realize he can walk away with 18 million...
  15. The way this has been bungled from the start, I don't see any way Harsin can be successful long term. From the negative recruiting to fractured fan base to behind the scenes boosters not supporting to Gouges statement... it just goes on and on
  16. So, who is leading this charge that Harsin may be Retained? Is it sliced bread or someone reputable
  17. So, some other folks are crawfishing and backing up
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