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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. There is equal blame, Harsin and AU administration for their actions this last week. They have set the program back years
  2. U don't think coaches have anything to do with player NIL?
  3. Folks this is really gonna come down to this fall and the 2023 recruiting class. As loaded as the state is next year, if Harsin doesn't get his fair share, that will tell us the answer.. I don't have alot of hope
  4. Please tell me u really don't believe that...Fisher and Saban both are on record talking about NIL
  5. That will eventually be his undoing at AU, unless he corrects and adapts... Problem is after Gouge's ringing endorsement yesterday, we will suffer thru a couple of miserable falls b4 a change is made.
  6. Are u really Surprised? I mean I'm more surprised when they do show some compentancy, which isn't often... I mean we pay Malzahn 20 million to go away and turn around and hire another guy with an 18 million boyout. Cast of clowns
  7. It would just be a dog and pony show with all participants ooooing over each other talking about how much each one loves AU
  8. I think it's quite telling in Gouge's statement he never mentioned his administration's absolute bungling of the investigation. Only to sing Harsins praises and how Harsin has complete support of BoT etc... what a joke
  9. Which begs the question.. Who was the genius that gave him an 18 million buyout to begin with
  10. Prolly this spring when Harsin loses the A- Day game
  11. I really have no idea so I will say yes
  12. Still waiting to hear how your feeling,?? Haven't heard from u in a while
  13. So... think an announcement forthcoming from AU.. or we just supposed to forget last 7 days?
  14. Hey Viper, how you doing Buddy? Haven't heard from u in awhile.. U good?
  15. I'm gonna do like others did when people said he was fired.. LINK😃
  16. Did I miss the official announcement that he is staying?
  17. I should rephrase that... more along the lines, he thinks it's not resolved yet one way or another
  18. Hold the phone... Hoke says not so fast
  19. After much weeping and gnashing of teeth
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