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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Jt can't transfer till may, correct?
  2. Excellent analogy and explanation 👏
  3. Winning cures all ills... Win and all this goes away.. Book it.
  4. 🤣 keep on posting . Each retort makes you look more and more foolish. Man people on here are laughing at u. Don't u get that? I'm not trying to claim a victory for nothing... Unlike you, I want what's best for AU. You just wanna be right..I'm starting to feel kinda sorry for you.
  5. I think what we are seeing is polar opposites with Malzahn vs Harsin culture and approach. Time will judge which way is most effective. If Harsin starts winning alot if these issues will disappear.
  6. Social media just airs the dirty laundry quicker and more effectively
  7. My old coach used to say if a coach isn't coaching you hard (yelling or whatever), then u should be worried as he might have given up on you. Alot of times to take coaching, you have to listen to WHATS being said, no necessarily HOW it's being said. All this is blown up and magnified cause of social media.. Its been going on for generations. But now people can blast their displeasure for the whole world to see.
  8. Yeah similar... us old timers prefer the term crawfishing
  9. Man, he was blasting me when the allegations broke. You should go read all his posts. I told him if he was correct, I would admit so. But he just wouldn't stop. Now he wants to say he meant he will be gone in 9 months. But he can't keep his lies straight cause he also posts that Harsin will be gone by 2024.. But when the allegations broke, he couldn't wait to get on here and hunt me up.. I will give it to him though, he is an awesome crawfisher
  10. Here we go...remember saying this bout 10 days ago. Along with numerous other posts blasting me.. You weren't harping on 9 months then, it was " He's gone.. I'm right, you wrong" blah blah blah. No need for me to go on and on. Take a trip down memory lane and read your post for yourself.. I bet those words sting now like a hornets tail don't they LOL... This has been more entertainment than one should be allowed to have on Monday. BTW the more u retort,the sillier you . Thanks for all the 😃. NWALA TIGER OUT!!
  11. Man this is awesome,watching u crawfishing...
  12. I was prepared to say I was wrong.. but I see u can't do the same. Fairly typical. .Anyway, moving on to bigger and better things
  13. But but but.. u were so sure he was gonna be fired.. accused me of running away and hiding
  14. Yep ,didn't see Mason in my recruiting pictures after the Iron Bowl. Guess he had already checked out. Zac and Caddy are the ace recruiters IMO. Also, think Zac will be offered DC position very soon, somewhere. Really impressed with him . Think he has all the tools, recruiting and coaching wise
  15. I'm assuming u mean on the defensive side of the Staff? And even then it's debatable
  16. Yeah, sometimes I forget. Anyway, not losing sleep over Mason. Wasn't crazy about some of his schemes, regardless of talent level or depth he had
  17. Interesting, wasn't fired, but left and took a pay cut. That could be spun different ways
  18. But he left on his own accord?
  19. Harsin implied Mason lied to him
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