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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. How do u know it was warranted? What did it turn up?
  2. Oh , they had a reason to do it. To dig up dirt on Harsin
  3. Ok. You should be calling for the job of whoever started the investigation
  4. Point being AU Administration has done Harsin no favors and made his job twice as tough. Basically, he is a 1 legged man in an a$$ kicking contest
  5. So u are throwing shade at the writer of the article about not going national?
  6. So is he throwing shade at the writer of the article?
  7. I understand your frustration. But some of it is misdirected. Harsin has had 1 cycle and finished top 20 . As for the current state of recruiting, throw some blame on the AU administration. They did more damage to AU football and Harsins job in the last 2 weeks than the REC could have dreamed of doing. A bogus investigation announced to the public by Gouge, that found nothing. All the while Harsin and family were drug thru mud. I respect the man for not taking the money and running.
  8. I admit Harsin made some mistakes...But not enuf 2 be removed after 1 year. Who is the right man for the job?
  9. As in no one else would take the job?Job? Say it loud for those of us in the back
  10. Always trying to get $ outta me🤣.. Don't u know that I squeak when I walk?
  11. Not sure what the deal is. Mods on pay sites don't seem to be able to get much inside info with this sraff
  12. Everybody in the 256 area needs to batton down the hatches.. Sun has come out, not good news according to weatherman. Stay safe guys
  13. Wasn't the investigation launched after all the players tweets and defections to the portal as well as Mason leaving
  14. Ok so they didn't know him when we were 6-2, but they did know him when we were 6-7?. My point is simply winning cures most if not all ills.. Losing breeds frustration on all parties, which leads to lashing out. Unfortunately, this caused major damage to us that will take a long time to repair. I'm not gonna argue. U have your opinion. I have mine
  15. Why wait? If it's bad enuf get it out there. It seemed to be bad enuf to launch an investigation that turned up nothing other than to drag the man and his family thru the mud..
  16. Thus my point being. If there was mistreatment, verbal abuse etc.. why not bring that up when we were 6-2 and ranked 13th? Surely it was going on then too? Why wait till the end of the year?
  17. Why wasn't this popping up at the end of October when We were 6-2? My point being as long as your winning most if not all these things never become issues
  18. The ones Harsin is dealing with. Not knowing how to relate to players,taking a hard A$$ approach, not showing respect, treating them like dogs etc.. Players weren't tweeting all that when AU was 6-2 ... It happened after the year was over and they were losing..
  19. Name an instance where these type issues pop up when a program is winning. Didn't hear much about all this we AU was 6-2 and ranked 13th🤷‍♂️
  20. I figured that would get a facepalm out of u Cole
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