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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Ok I apologize for not stating my original post in a way that u could understand my question. My bad
  2. U just don't wanna go on record .. That's fine. Just respond and say I DONT KNOW
  3. Thanks WED.. that was the kinda answer, I was looking for
  4. Ok so if he goes 10-2 and wins a bowl game. But his 2023 class is ranked 30th. What then, Should he be run off? I'm not talking about a 5 yr plan for sucess. Just what his record needs to be this yr to take heat off
  5. U still didn't answer the question to my original post. But ok anyway
  6. Go back and reread my post. I said recruiting, staff choices etc play a role in the record. I was simply asking what would the record need to be to take the pressure off Harsin. Try not to over analyze or overthink it.
  7. Wrong compadre. Go back and read my post again. Was just interested in what the won/loss record needed to be to take some heat off Harsin . Even mentioned the other stuff as being opinion and subjective.. Can't help it if some folks go off on wild tangents
  8. LOL.. I love it when folks say he's gone if so and so does/doesn't happen. They love spending Yeller Fellers 💰
  9. Give me avg 10 wins . If recruiting is 30s Harsin is a hellva coach
  10. No its really not. Barring a NCAA scandal
  11. What will Harsins record need to be this coming year for people to say he is the right man for the job? I'm not wanting to go into the recruiting aspect, the assistant coaches, culture etc.. Just won/ loss record.. Those things play a part in what his won/ loss record is. But IMO his record is what will determine his fate. Everything else is opinion based and subjective. So , let's talk won/ loss record.. What does it need to be in 2022
  12. I agree, 2nd half of season team wilted. But I never saw them quit. Its wins/ losses, simple as that. Now what he does with recruiting, staff selection etc will help determine how much he wins. But to me, he has to have a fair chance. 1 year isn't enough time. He is recruiting against our own administration's bungling of an investigation, in addition to Saban, Smart and Fisher. Fair game to judge progress after this coming season . Too soon to do it now.. IMO
  13. Yeah , prob should have tweeted that the guys couldn't catch a cold in a ice storm, no need for any positive reinforcement.
  14. The fact remains.. He has had one year..Why can't people understand?? His fate is not determined by most of the stuff u listed.. Let me know his record after couple more years , then it's open for debate. Until then he deserves a fair chance to sink or swim.
  15. Don't have to name them. They name their selves with their posts. The man has coached 1 season and on top of that has had to overcome a bogus investigation that done nothing but made his job even harder.. Give him time to implement his changes? I've said on here ad nauseum, wins and losses determines his fate. Everything else that people are up in arms over don't matter. If we go by your analysis,Pat Dye would have been gone after his first year. Gus had 8 years. Can't u give Harsin 2 or 3 b4 wanting to run him out of town?
  16. I think this is all part of the change going on at AU and I think it was time for a change in how things are done. Harsin is bringing that change. Time will tell if it works. When u make these changes, some players get on board, some don't. Those that don't move on. Just like real life. Get a new boss, have to adapt to his/her ways or move on. The ones who came back got on board and have my support, cause they reppin AU.
  17. Better things to do than research your on the fence, off the fence jibberish. I keep thinking one day u will stop embarrassing yourself on here. All u want is to be "right" about something so u can get on here and pound your chest.
  18. Has started slow. However, relationship with recruits are more than a 1 year thing. Couldn't get recruits on campus till this past June. Most of these recruits start building relationships Junior year. Hence Harsin needs to go thru this full cycle..Start judging his recruiting after Feb 2023
  19. Still kinda new here. Haven't read many of your posts.. But I'm gonna hazard a guess and say u are/were a Malzahn man. BTW. My original post wasn't ridiculous. There are some on here who's hate for Harsin far outweighs their hope for LONG TERM success for AU.It really don't matter who the coach is to them, it could be Harsin or someone else. They are so blinded by their Gus love, they want nothing positive to come out of AU or whoever the coach is.
  20. I didn't realize the same fish would bite twice on the same day.
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