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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. It's not flawed. I watched Malzahn pick his nose and run up the middle on 3rd and 3 too many times to count. But folks want to run Harsin after 1 year. At least give him time to get his own players and install his system.
  2. All I said was facts. It's your choice if u want to ignore them
  3. 23 is Harsins first full recruiting cycle. Prospects weren't even allowed on campus until June of 21 . Relationships start with these prospects their JR yr if not earlier. If 23 class is a dud, then I will say there's cause for concern. Even though Harsin is against the 8 ball cause of our incompetent handling of the investigation
  4. General question for you.. Say we fired Harsin this past year or after the coming season. Hire someone else , get the same or similar results after 1 year with that Coach, then What? Just keep canning coaches after 1 year. I just don't understand how that helps AU long term.
  5. 💯. OL recruiting was terrible. Class rankings are great and all but needs have to be met
  6. Yep. Let's get an 8 yr sample size like we have on Malzahn and then see where it stands
  7. I still see posters posting about Malzahns recruiting prowess. Yet he averaged 4.5 losses over 8 years. And his failure to recruit OL is legendary. Especially OT
  8. Team. Sorry, but Harsin and Kiesau did go by to see Hurley at Florence. There are pictures on the Florence HS AD twitter of them visiting same day they visited Higgins at Mars Hill. Saban is the one who didn't visit Mars Hill when he went to visit Hurley at Florence.
  9. I think the problem is Gus was finishing 8-4 or worse after 8 years. Averaging over 4 losses a year during that time span
  10. Appears to be a solid hire. Time will tell. Harsin gotta mesh the staff and have that trickle down to the team.
  11. Harsin needs to recruit and get to the high schools . That's obvious. But how many times did Gus go after top notch linemen , only to see them go to Bama or GA. Then he had no fall back plan. I agree totally with your post
  12. Yep. JLee said in his last pod , there is a lineman out of Thompson that AU is in good shape for. Can't recall his name. But , he also said that Bama isn't really pushing for this kid, so 🤷
  13. How many players has AU got over the past 10 yrs from Thompson?
  14. Boy Howdy, did I strike a nerve. Talk about the pot and kettle Don't be so defensive.. Or better yet, since I'm such an idiot,, don't respond to any of my.posts or dumb questions.. Haven't been on the forum long, buts it's long enuf to see a common denominator on most of the arguments on here .
  15. Don't be so sensitive. U don't wanna give a record . That's cool. Probably because if u do give a record and Harsin actually meets that or exceeds it you won't be able to get on here and hoop and holler that Harsin needs to go.
  16. Yeah. I was simply asking the board what record would take some heat off Harsin.. And as usual some folks had to go all WAR AND PEACE on me, instead of giving a record and why they felt that was the record that was needed. Thanks for your take.
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