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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Bo did " run for his life" most of the time. Sometimes he bailed too early. Sometimes the OL parted like the Red Sea. It's also true Finley didn't "run for his life", mostly because he was too slow a foot. So instead of running, he would just go down in a heap
  2. Maybe everyone should list their high school/ college level athletic experience/success. Then we can actually assign how valid someone's postings are based on said experience. Sarcasm for those wondering..
  3. I wonder if Harsin gets this thing rolling in recruiting and that momentum carriers over and we have a good/great season, what will some posters post About? Some will go thru withdrawals if they can't bash Harsin or the program.. BTW I'm not talking about posters who critique fairly.
  4. Don't yall remember how folks were saying Gus was paranoid. This bears that out. Small circle
  5. Gus didn't have a recruiting department with roles and Objectives? Surely u jest
  6. As I posted few days ago. Short term pain, long term gain. 1st step to building a program.
  7. Ha Ha.. He's your Bro, not mine. It's OK though, alot of folks have trouble letting go
  8. Positive recruiting insider on that side if anyone is interested in some positive recruiting news and not the usual Harsin shortcomings on recruiting that get regurgitated over and over.
  9. Yeah the negative posters, we know who they are will be quiet as church mice on this article
  10. JLee also said if Will Friend doesn't go to Georgia as OL coach, Bo Hughley would flip to AU. Well Friend ain't going to GA, so come on down Bo.
  11. Well that was kinda tongue and cheek. Point being need more than 14 months
  12. I have to give it to u Mikey. U hang in their with Gus, just like a rusty fish hook. Nobody can say u waffle
  13. I guess I had u pegged wrong. I would have sworn from what I read u wanted him gone
  14. Well that may true, but who was the last 1 that was fired after 1 year? I've been critical of some of Harsins game day decisions , recruiting etc.. But, after he gave the middle finger to AU brass and didn't jump ship, I'm convinced he deserves time to implement his system and ways. Most said the power brokers at AU need to be held in check for meddling . If Harsin is successful, that will be the first part to that happening . Short term pain. Long term gain.
  15. 6 more years of nose pickin, double bubble chewing, cox whirlybird, run up the middle on 3rd and 3 offense.
  16. Bird dropping the claw... But, facts don't work on some of these cats. But I'm waiting to hear the responses.
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