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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Too early to compare Harsin to Gustav. That goes for recruiting, record, improvement in the program etc.. Harsins sample size doesn't have enuf data to make determination about his status as an AU coach, to me its just that simple
  2. Does anyone know what time the game is Sunday?
  3. Everyone remember, the name of the game is survive and advance. AU first tourney game during the final 4 run , we had to survive a last second shot attempt to win.... I will gladly take a 1 pt win today.
  4. St Peter's got GREAT guard play. Cudos to Cole 256. He has been preaching guard play wins tourney games in March. Proved true tonight.
  5. Oh the irony in your post. BTW I wasn't chastising anyone. It was more so a tongue and cheek with Mikey. If anyone wants to waller around in negative, doom and gloom, the sky is falling, by all means have at it.
  6. Now Mikey , if I'm gonna help u be optimistic, your gonna have to at least try. You know as well as I do, the previous coach had sucked the life out of the program and we had already plateaued under him
  7. Ok. I will try to HELP.. AU was 6-2 , ranked 13th at the end of Oct. Nice road win over Arky, and home win over good Ole Miss team. Saw different passing concepts using the TE. For the most part, I wasn't able to tell what play we were about to run, unlike the previous regime where I knew what was coming. Did we falter down the stretch? Sure... Did I see positives to take from last Year? Absolutely.. Now come on, Mikey ,see how easy that was.
  8. I think if Harsin found a cure for cancer, some would find fault in his research
  9. Come on, Mikey . You can do it. We'll all help you!!
  10. How bout showing some optimism then?It's good for the soul...
  11. Sometimes not feeding the post is a result of what play your running. AU does alot of high post pick and rolls, where whoever is setting the post will roll to the basket. To me feeding the post is when Kessler or whoever has his man pinned behind him and getting the pass from the guard. Then it's either a low post move or if someone comes to double a kick out 3. But for some reason that's either not part of our offense or players just don't do it. We also have alot of isolation plays where Jabari gets the ball 15 ft or so with his back to basket. IMO nothing is prettier than for a guard to feed the post, the post gets doubled and then kicks out to an open man for the 3. We don't do alot of that.
  12. What's everybody's thoughts on the QB'S going live during the spring scrimmages. I think it would be helpful to determine who performs best under real game type pressure? I realize it's a no for Calzada.
  13. Maybe he can be a flex TE like Billingsley at bama
  14. I like AU draw.... IF, they can get their mid-season MOJO back
  15. We have 5 QBS on scholarship. Is Calzada good to go in the Spring? I see no way all 5 get an equal shot. I'm afraid my favorite, D Davis will be wearing a different uniform next year.
  16. Times prob won't be announced till Mon or Tues
  17. Or let's do nothing, use the same rotation, same game plan and hope we can hit the broad side of a barn .
  18. The question wasn't in reaction to 1 loss. It's the fact the team is barely above .500 in last 10 games. But the point of changing right b4 tourney would def be a gamble
  19. Rotation seems to be outta whack since Bruce has put Flan back in starting lineup
  20. We just seem to have no answer if 3's aren't falling... Other than to keep jacking them up
  21. Good point. I guess its Too late in the season to try reinvent the wheel
  22. Is it time to shake up the starting 5? Start Cardwell and move Jabari to small Forward? Start 3 guards with Kessler and Jabari? Or do we keep riding what we been doing and hope for the best?
  23. The lack of consistent outside shooting will eventually cause this to to get knocked out of tourney. Tourneys are for guards
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