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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. They would rather be "right" than AU be successful. Insecurity out the Ying yang. Their self worth is derived from being "right"
  2. I agree with this take. It's everyones right to decide if they want to be trolled or not. The ignore button is your friend
  3. Are u saying that u think Mikey is a closet Bryan Harsin fan?
  4. What's funny is the fact that Ol Gus run the program in the ground his last 6 years. And u expect Harsin to have it fixed after 1 season
  5. If these portal OL guys are scared to compete with what we have returning..... Can't believe I actually typed that... but if they are we don't want them
  6. I would give you a fact based rebuttal as many have tried to do. But it's like arguing with a jug of stump water so it's just time to move on 4 me.
  7. Yeah , it's Harsins fault. No doubt about it. Smith, Langlo Harris all should be starting as Freshmen. And it's just 1 recruiting cycle BTW..Mikey, Gus is gone... Let it go Bro
  8. Gus signed a bunch of guards, most of them fall back players cause of the ones he whiffed on. Then he tried to take those guards and make OT out of them
  9. Thanks for the facepalm, Proud Tiger Let's me know I'm on the right track
  10. Some cats would rather we change coaches every year , until we strike gold. They have no idea how far back that sets a program. They just wanna change.. Unless of course it's Gustav. Then 8 yrs isn't enuf
  11. Not according to other posters. To transfer from 1 SEC school to another they have to be in the portal by Feb 1. Do u have evidence that's false? I don't know, but asked and that was the response
  12. But neither can come to AU without sitting a year.. correct?
  13. Thanks, didn't realize that. Guess we won't get Mims then
  14. TJ had 2 interceptions dropped today. In fairness, Dawson dropped a TJ pass too. I just have no confidence TJ can lead us to wins. He is missing something which explains his inaccuracy. I'm certainly not sold on Calzada either. Which leads to Ashford. He looked better yesterday than TJ. And Ashford was going against the 1st Defense. To me Ashford looks like a more poised Bo Nix.
  15. Calzada or Finley will be the starter. I'm thinking It's Calzada.
  16. With TJ u have no idea what will happen when he drops back. It could be a bullet right on target or sail 10 yards over the receivers head. That happened today. Consistently inconsistent
  17. Mikey is up late tonight frantically trying to devise a way for Auburn to lose the A Day game so he can continue to roast Harsin
  18. E, do u know if the game tomorrow is being streamed?
  19. True. But,, not to the extent Bama does it. IMO
  20. Maybe gimmicky isn't the correct word
  21. No mid range game. Oats only wants layups or 3 pointers.
  22. I saw Sears play in high school. He is a good player. I have no idea how hard Bruce recruited him. He will fit in good in Bammers system. Although that system reminds me of the basketball version of Gus. Too gimmicky for my taste. I'm sure all the Bammers in my neck of the woods are happy
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