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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Just listened to a locked on bama podcast. Both of those Homer's say Hurley is gonna flip to AU. They didn't mention anything about grades. They think it's NIL related. As in AU put together a better NIL deal for Hurley than Bama. Hard to believe
  2. So it's probably a case of bama backing off.. AU signs him,then places him in JUCO somewhere.. I agree with u though, take his commitment, use it to push a positive narrative
  3. Do u know if the grades thing is credible or is it a narrative being pushed by Bama in case they lose him?
  4. Interesting. Haven't heard about the grades.
  5. This would be huge. It's 1 thing to flip someone from bama. But when it's a 5 * DB. A position personally coached by Saban. That's a whole different deal. Apparently, there's something to it. Hurley visited AU this wkend. Now he isn't doing interviews...
  6. To me, it's the fact that so much is made of our lack of talent and development and past recruiting blunders (rightfully so) on the OL that now the perception is... Don't go to AU if u wanna be developed and get to the league. Perception is reality in this case until we can break thru and sign a couple stud OL.
  7. K. It's refreshing to see so many people excited about Harsin and the job he is doing on the recruiting trail
  8. Ok so just to be clear.. U don't think the investigation hurt AU in recruiting at all and nothing had to be overcome? Regardless how much effort or time had to go into it to clean the mess up.
  9. My point was , whenever the investigation happened, it had a negative effect on recruiting. That simply can't be disputed. Now, if that is a blip on the radar or a non issue now, then great. That would just speak to the great job Harsin has done by overcoming the negative press etc.
  10. The investigation turned up nothing that would be grounds to terminate Harsins contract. He was prob told things he needed to work on. As far as recruiting, it was the perception of what went down that hurt AU. Negative recruiting happens. Dec/ Jan time frame. What's your take?
  11. Why are u assuming I'm talking about you? It was well documented when anyone would bring up the fact that the whole witch hunt last Dec would hurt recruiting, they were labeled as excuses as to why Harsin wasn't recruiting well. I'm not going to go back and look for quotes or names . The board knows who they are. Your last sentence may be the most ironic sentence ever posted on this board 😅
  12. Hmmm so the mess that Harsin was put thru in Dec affected recruiting..
  13. Man alive, they hitting all the schools. I know Colbert Heights ain't ever had a Power 5 player. Unless it was during leather helmet days
  14. Well.... I don't recall them ever having Power 5 player or D1 for that matter. I get it, but just seems like we could put that time and effort elsewhere but that's JMO .Maybe it will make the naysayers happy
  15. I mean, I get it.. but that's kinda like me going bass fishing in a goldfish bowl
  16. Ahhh no offense but who are we recruiting at Geraldine?
  17. That's what I was thinking. But he is visiting again this wkend supposedly
  18. Do we have a chance with Tony Mitchell from Thompson High? Saw where he is coming for another visit this wkend
  19. And It took Campbell 4 yrs to develop. His coming out party was his sr yr
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