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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. You never did answer my question. Do u think Harsin should have been fired after last season based off his performance on the field? Yes or no please
  2. I am on record critizing Harsin for bringing in Calzada. However, the idea is starting to grow on me. I'm not sure if that's because of Calzadas skill set or the lack there of the other QB candidates
  3. Let's just move on. We can agree to disagree over how we characterize AU players. So, after u get done looking through all my prior posts , trying to find a "gotcha" post. It's time to move on
  4. Like I said, call them whatever u want. You said they or their talent level was garbage as well as saying we have a s*** roster. I disagree with both statements. To me, that's where it begins and ends.
  5. He said... by name that 3 OL players were garbage. His words, not mine. That may not have been what he meant, but that's what was said
  6. Well for 1, I usually don't run around calling people that I respect, garbage. Whether I'm talking about them personally or talent level wise or whatever. Look, u can call whoever , whatever and critize them however you want. That's on you. I'm just stating my opinion
  7. Just think it's over the top to call someone or their talent level garbage. JMO
  8. Wrong again friend. Calling them garbage is uncalled for. Any player that dons the orange and blue has my respect.. Talented or not.. But, to each his own
  9. Calling out players as "garbage " is over the top . I mean, I get it. Lacking physical ability but to refer to any AU player as garbage is over the top IMO
  10. The s*** roster is a bit over the edge.
  11. Only reason CBH is different is cause he replaced Ol Gustav. That's it
  12. He won't get many. Maybe 1 or 2 more. Now a question for you.. Do u think Harsin should have been fired this year for his performance on the field? Yes or No please...
  13. We gave Gus 8 years... Why can't we give Harsin more than 1? Of course, the year u speak of with the All SEC schedule, Gus was given the Arky win. And arguably the Ole Miss win as well.. But, yes they did go down in the books as a win. To act like Gus' "solid" 8 wins a yr didn't include some cupcakes is not only short sided but asanine
  14. Let's look at the facts .. Gus was at AU for EIGHT years. He avg between 4-5 losses a year. Harsin was 6-7 in his FIRST year. Everyone should agree on those 2 facts.. Why was it ok to give Gus 8 yrs, but wanna run Harsin after 1? If he can't recruit or cant win in the portal then that will ultimately show up in his won/ loss record and he will be gone. Just don't understand wanting to run him after 1 yr. BTW, I'm not necessarily "Pro Harsin". Regardless of who the coach is, I think he deserves 2 or 3 yrs . We gave Gus 8. To me it's that simple.
  15. As someone said earlier, they accept mediocrity in their life. It's all they know They can't get past the fact , Gus was a 4 or 5 loss a year coach after EIGHT years. Don't even wanna give Harsin 2 years LOL
  16. Grade requirements for athletes will be the next thing to go away as will attending class
  17. Yes, I see your point now... If Harsin could have just held on to beat Bama and if he could have eeked out a win against Houston, we would have been right back to a " solid" 8 win Gus type season. So close, yet so far away...
  18. What are u basing that off of?
  19. C'mon man... Ole Miss, Miss St and Arky all finished BEHIND AU in recruiting rankings last cycle.How bout let's give Harsin at least 2 seasons before judging or wanting to run him off.. What evidence of a tangible recruiting swing did u see at Ole Miss, Arkansas, or Kentucky after Stoops 1st year. I would argue with all the visits of top notch talent to AU , that Harsin recruiting is on the upswing. Will they sign with us? Don't know, hence the let's give it a couple yrs and then mire him in the abyss with whoever Vandys coach is if no improvement is shown
  20. What was Kiffins and Leachs record their first year at Ole Miss and Miss St . Pitt Boss at Arky. Stoops first yr at KY?
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