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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. They moved Trent Richardson family all over the Southeast
  2. Golf, what happened with Cristobol... Why didn't it work out with AU?
  3. It's said typically that programs make the biggest jump from year 1 to year 2. A more favorable home schedule early should bode well for AU. I'm intrigued by what Harsin can do with Calzada. Penn St game will be the swing game IMO
  4. You prove it every time u post.
  5. I'm sorry. But u did it to yourself
  6. Prove what. That u don't believe your own "logic" . I used your own words to debunk your own argument against Harsin. How can u debate with someone who doesn't even believe what they post?
  7. Again, the shortcomings u mentioned, if they continue will show up in his record and he will be dismissed... IMO, 1 yr isn't enuf time for him to implement his system, etc... I don't know how else to say it... Look, we just gonna have to agree to disagree and move on. U think Gus should still be coach. I dont.. U think Harsin should have been fired.. I don't. It's ok to disagree. It's what makes the world go round. War Eagle to ya
  8. Sample size simply isn't big enuf to make that judgment about Harsin, IMO.
  9. And u may be 100 % correct. My whole argument is, we simply don't know yet. As I stated a above. I can't think of any college coach getting canned after 1 yr, based on job performance. And several were winless or only won 1 or 2 games their first year. Perhaps you know of a coach who was?
  10. I don't recall any college head getting fired after 1 yr. Unless it was an NCAA scandal or something of that nature.
  11. Any thoughts on why Hurley hasn't flipped yet?
  12. I think most would be happy competing for conference titles, which would put AU in position of competing for Nattys as well. Losing 4 or 5 a year won't get you there. That's all I'm saying.. To say, well history says we can or will only win 8 or 9 games a year and sprinkle in a 10 win yr once in a while. That's a mediocre mindset and one that sets complacency. It remains to be seen if Harsin will break us out of that cycle.
  13. Won , what 4 in a row with Dye.. Competed for others.
  14. So we should just settle for 4 or 5 loses yr? Nope, AU has resources and the ability to compete for championships more than the occasional once in a blue moon
  15. 4 or 5 loses a year is mediocre. Doent matter what everyone else does. I don't wanna be like everyone else. I want AU to be better than everyone else and strive for better than mediocre and a stale program, which is what we had
  16. In those examples u listed. Bammer, Florida, Tennessee and A@M...while I agree they all ran thru coaches, which of those fired any coach after ONE or even TWO years? Dubose? Nope... Shula? Nope... Dooley? Nope... Butch Jones? Nope... Kevin Sumlin? Nope...The Zooker at Florida? Nope... So in a way your proving my point. Is Harsin the answer? Nobody knows yet. Each of those YOU listed had more than 1 or 2 years.. I guess some " pipe dreams" come true after all.
  17. I'm not sure how he survived 8 yrs.. Never won in Red Stick including blowing a 3 TD lead. Never won in Athens or even came close. Never won in T Town. Never changed or modernized his offense. Piss poor offensive player development. Paranoid, wouldnt let his QB get outside training in the off season. Guess he was afraid the QB'S would give away his offensive secrets. Never could decide who he wanted to call plays. Gus was a "solid" 8 win a yr coach, some years and seemed to be happy about it. I wanted to break away from mediocrity, even if that means some growing pains for a year or 2.
  18. I respectfully disagree. IMO, 1 year isn't enough. All the things u mentioned, will contribute to his won/ loss record , which will ultimately determine his fate. We will have a lot clearer picture after this year.
  19. Those coaches u mentioned, Tubbs, Dye.. Those guys didn't replace Gus. That's the whole issue with Mikey. It's not that it's Harsin. It's that he replaced Ol Gustav
  20. Not a matter of dishing it out and taking it. It just makes no difference to point out the bad or to point out the good since we both agree he should be the coach at AU this year. At this point that's all that really matters. All the rest is just Yada, Yada, yada
  21. Ok thanks. So u think he deserves at least 1 more year. So, if that's the case why not reserve judgment? Everyone gets your points on recruiting, portal, his record compared to other 1st yr coaches etc... At this point, why does any of that matter since we both agree he deserves more time. The points you make seem to support the idea that you think he should have been replaced. I don't think anyone including Harsin was satisfied with last year.
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