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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. So, u think it's fun to predict AU will 5 games max?
  2. Perhaps. But, to me it's pointless to gage a team until the season starts. That's why they wait till mid Oct for the 1st CFP poll to come out
  3. Serious ? For you.. What difference does it make what Vegas says? Like I posted earlier. It's talking season . If your convinced the season is gonna be in the toilet, load up and put your chips down. You may be rich come the end of the season.
  4. Keep in mind. This is just talking season. Nobody knows squat about what will unfold this season . Including me and every other poster on the board. Posters will choose either a positive or negative outlook on this season , mostly aligning on a side that will support their narrative
  5. To be honest. I don't know. I guess some positive articles I've seen about him. I guess the unknown of seeing him play for AU is it more than anything. Hope is a powerful emotion LOL
  6. I thought exactly the same way u did. Wasn't a fan at all when he came onboard. Have high hopes now. Hopefully it pans out and I will gladly say I was wrong about him
  7. I think this NIL thing will eventually correct itself... Ol Joe Blow is gonna pay top $ to get the next great thing to come to his school. Then when said player doesn't pan out or worse transfers to another school , he is gonna get mad and pull his NIL support. Thing to remember is these folks that's paying all this NIL $ love their school, BUT they love their $ more .
  8. Thanks 50 for posting all the articles... I know it takes alot of time to research it all.. Preciate it🤙
  9. Bottom line is coaches get hired and fired. WR not catching balls,, Lineman who can't block, RB who fumble... all contribute to that . Right or wrong, that's how it is. Get better players to correct those issues, coaches keep jobs
  10. Whether it's lack of recruiting or Wide receivers dropping passes, it all comes back and falls at the feet of coaches
  11. My point was that players don't get fired. Coaches do
  12. Unfortunately, it don't work that way . If it did, no coach would ever get fired.
  13. I tend to agree with you. I've said Harsin deserves time. But with NSD basically moving to Dec, it moves everything up a couple months... We need some top notch commitments b4 the summer is over, no time to wait to see how this season goes . Hay will be in the barn by then
  14. Sometimes the fit matters more than stars... For example Bo Nix was a 5 * and the top dual threat, but not a fit for what Harsin wants. Gernier was a 3 * at one time. Justin Fields was also a 3 * initially
  15. Who's bravado, Harsins or posters on the board? I believe very little that I read on here as concrete fact
  16. Not sure that was a Harsin rule. Maybe I missed it, but never heard him say that or quoted as saying it
  17. Most reporters don't have the cahunas to ask the wee one that. For some reason they are scared or intimidated by him.Google some of his press conferences to see how condescending he can be. He talks like he has the solutions to all college athletics problems. Hence Fisher referred to The wee one as thinking he is the Czar of CFB. I wish someone would ask Fisher to quit beating around the bush. Two times now he insinuates, he knows things on Saban and his past. Time to spill the beans. But Stankey has put a gag order for coaches to zip it... Don't want the wee ones dirty laundry aired
  18. And it was never questioned. U don't question THE GREAT ONE
  19. What's funny is Saban "apologizing" for naming names. He didn't apologize for saying they bought players, just that he mentioned A@M by name. He is losing his strangle hold on recruiting (REC).. Its tearing him up.
  20. "Ain't no program out there Lilly white" Pat Dye
  21. That's how they get access. Used to be P Marshall back in the day
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