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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Thanks Hank for getting the ball rolling
  2. Who considers their self to be an expert on any topic related to AU athletics????? Let it be know by a show of hands and stating your area of expertise....
  3. Somehow it always reverts back to Bo and how he wasn't criticized enuf on the board or if someone did critize him they were chastised..BTW, I wanted to give TJ a shot last year while Bo was struggling
  4. I will quote you... You guys just aren't getting it and that's ok
  5. I'm talking about when it's 3rd and 1 and u block the guy right in front of you.. How many different schemes can there be for that?
  6. I'm talking about when it's 3rd and 1 and all the guy has to do is fire off the ball and bust the guys mouth in front of him. How many different blocking scheme can their be for that? I saw time and time again AU lineman get pushed in the backfield last year. Example is Tanks carry on 3rd and 1 in Iron Bowl.. Different scheme had nothing to do with that . The right guard and tackle got whipped 1 on 1. Of course, I know Gus offense and Harsin offense require different techniques. But not on 3rd and 1 and the RB gets thrown fir a loss or the QB gets bent backwards on a QB sneak
  7. K. So with your logic stated above. I expect improvement from the members of the OL who played last year and are back this year. Troxel, Jones, Ziere, Brahms and the rest of them.
  8. There is always a reason isn't there? Being able to line up and blow people off the line of scrimmage stays the same, no matter the system . Most of the OLine been at AU for multiple yrs, not alot of improvements from year to year, but I'm sure they are working hard
  9. The offensive line from 2020 to the 2021 season says hello
  10. Maybe its fallacy to u. I can say in the Spring game he didn't show me any improvement from the previous season. And I know he still has summer and fall camp to go
  11. I'm sorry, but there is no way to know that until the season starts and he plays. I mean u may be correct. But, there is no way to know that until we see him in games.
  12. Just curious.. How do u know TJ is better this year than last year? Surely u aren't basing that off the spring game?
  13. Fair enuf. Just reading it seemed pretty straightforward to me.
  14. Not sure about that , but said he has always hated Bo and knew he would never be any good. IMO , that's over the top. I think it was better for BO and AU to split up. But I will never say I hate any AU player especially one who busts his a$$ to win.
  15. Yes sir they did , scroll up couple posts
  16. I really think folks need to step back when they say they " hate" a AU player. Whether it's Bo Nix or anyone else. There is zero doubt in my mind that Bo gave his all for Auburn. Was he polarizing at times? Sure...It's fair to critique his game or anyone else's but to say you hate an AU player is over the top to me.. Just my 2 cents, folks certainly have the right to say what they want. And I have the same right to call folks out if need be
  17. Not really. However, it will be fun to watch u crawfish, IF, AU wins 8 or 9 games...
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