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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I've seen him tweet a bunch about the baseball team
  2. Attack, attack, attack. You don't see Shorty on the other side of the state rushing 3. He brings corner, safety blitzes. Twists , turns, stunts. Especially on 3rd down.
  3. Their tight end wore us out too. Don't remember his name
  4. Terrible coaching. Terrible baserunning. Per Sir Charles, just turrrrible
  5. K. We can agree to disagree. But bottom line, that cop, good or bad has authority. Whether u want to adhere to it is , of course, your choice
  6. Why the facepalm? What of my statement do u not agree with
  7. To me, Smiths game translates to the NBA more quickly than Holmgren. But I'm a little biased 😁
  8. LOL. Can't believe u actually opened this can of worms😁. Im bowing out, yall have at it
  9. Yeah. I was responding to the part about him saying the roster is weaker ( I believe it will be as strong or stronger). Sorry I should have copied what I was responding to
  10. One thing for sure.. it will be proven one way or the other in about 4 months time.
  11. That was my mistake for phrasing it that way. Whoever wins the job will have to endure some criticism. I'm cool with that as long as the criticism is performance related and it doesn't turn into personal attacks
  12. One thing to remember. Cops are human. Good and bad just like in every other walk of life. To me it's simple. Like it or not cops have authority. If a CEO of a company is pulled over by a cop making 15.00 an hr, that cop has authority over him. Do what the cop says and in most, if not all cases it comes out with no one getting hurt.
  13. Cole, I'm really not understanding your point. I've said numerous times that I was critical of BO at times and thought TJ should have been given a chance last year. There may be some who thought BO was a golden child. I'm not one of them. He did some good , some bad. Ive saw you post numerous times that people were called out for being critical of BO. I never was and havent seen examples where anyone else was, at least not in an over the top way. In my book, TJ will receive the same consideration as BO. All the QBS will as far as I'm concerned. They are ALL open to fair criticism, not personal attacks like saying they suck or are hated, but fair criticism. Would u agree?
  14. There is a narrative trying to be set by some... They want no criticism of TJ this year as they opine that there was no criticism of BO allowed last year or if there was criticism they were labeled a BO hater. I saw and posted plenty of fair criticism of BO and never recall any perceived backlash for it.
  15. Maybe I missed it, but could someone post where someone criticized Bo or Bo's play last year and got lambasted for doing so? I mean more so than when any other player was criticized? I know I was critical of him at times and don't remember any over the top backlash. It's in the past and I guess it don't matter but it's a recurring theme on here that says, Bo is off limits to criticism. If anyone has examples ??? And BTW, I'm on record saying, I thought TJ should be given a shot last year when BO was struggling
  16. Yep. This whole obsession with Bo Nix is baffling. I get it he was polarizing and had his ups and downs but geeze, he is gone. It's best for both parties. The way some of these folks post on here, you would think that Bo stole their milk money in elementary school.
  17. And with our OL, the QB better be able to at least move around in the pocket
  18. Why don't u tell us how u really feel about them😁
  19. Geeze, picked a bad time for bats to go cold. Only 3 hits last game.. 1 tonite ..John Smoltz couldn't win with that type offensive support
  20. Yep and remember their starting QB will prob be that guy from LSU. Not a world beater by any stretch
  21. The real experts haven't chimed in yet
  22. Penn St is the swing game. Win that one and we could have a good yr. I think we beat LSU at home. Think we can play with A@M at home as well
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