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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I get what your saying. But what is the end game in your opinion. This model isn't sustainable. If it keeps going as it is. Alot of programs are gonna get squeezed out. Which will in turn hurt many athletes from being able to profit. You add that to the fact that the athletic dept, boosters and administration at AU are already dysfunctional on a good day and it spells disaster for AU. I'm all for people profiting off their NIL, but it's being abused now which will further diminish other athletes being able to profit. It's just a mess.
  2. Kind of a different angle on this. If certain boosters want Harsin gone,could they be using influence to stop the big money boosters from doing NIL? I'm not talking about Bojangles tea or some of the other small fries.. I'm mean big $ folks in Alabama
  3. Until there is regulation from Congress, the NCAA is powerless, it will be the HAVES AND THE HAVE NOTS. I agree with the 2nd point, When Mr 5 * takes a NIL deal and bolts after 1 year that will cause the big money folks to take a pause. I'm shocked it didn't happen when Quinn Ewers left Ohio St.
  4. We still walking on eggshells after the Cam fiasco
  5. I agree, let the NCAA try to impose sanctions on a school and there will be lawsuits out the ying-yang. Thats why nothing has happened to Tennessee and their dang Prez there admitted they were handing out cash in Mickey D's sacks. The compliance office had its place at 1 time. But until the NIL is regulated thru the Congress, the NCAA is as useless as tits on a boar hog.
  6. Zeek , any on the not probable list that could move to probable if we have a good year?
  7. Thanks to everyone for all the feedback. I could sense something but couldn't put my finger on it.
  8. Sorry, I know this is off topic..I haven't been on the forum long, only about 6 months. But something seems to have changed with the overall vibe on the board. Then, I read posts, where people are unhappy with how things are going on here. Is that the general consensus or is it just me
  9. It's hard to overcome the narrative being used against AU, when it comes to offensive tackles
  10. Prob. But they won't be able to stop him from getting hit in games. If he is that fragile he won't last long anyway. I get its risky, but Harsins stay at Auburn could hinge on this decision
  11. I know it's risky, but Harsin may need to let the QB's be live in a scrimmage or 2. I don't see how you can see game situation improvements any of them have made if they don't go live. If we had an established starter that would be 1 thing. But it's hard to pick a guy, when the rest of the team is playing football and the QB's are playing patty cake
  12. I dont think there is any way all 3 if those guys are on the roster in 24
  13. I've heard the recruiting gurus say this class will be determined by how well we do this yr. Problem with that is by the time we get to end of the season , most big-time prospects will be committed. Early signing in December speeds things up.
  14. It's gonna all play out. I want Harsin to work out. He knows this recruiting class will make or break him. Just gotta let it play out and see what happens. But to your point , if there are 20 4* recruits in Alabama and we only get 4. That's a problem
  15. I prefer an in your face, press man defense. Realizing u can't do that all the time. But I've never understood on 3rd and 5, the WR don't get jammed and runs free on a slant route and gets the 1st down. That happens to more teams than just AU.. Curious to see Schmeddings overall style.
  16. What's the answer? If u sit back and rush 3 they dink and dunk and complete 90% of their passes all the way down the field. I think u gotta hit the QB and make him uncomfortable. Sure, he will complete some passes downfield. It's like double edge sword
  17. Nothing is more mind numbing than rushing 3 dropping 8 and having the other QB dink and dunk all the way down the field.
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