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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Yeah. I'm not so sure about that. IMO, they inquired about everything. Just being hard to deal with and not communicating well with certain players isn't an immediate fireable offense. The other stuff bandied around was an immediate fireable offense. I figure Harsin knows better than anyone, including Jay G Tate where it all came from. I've never heard him call out message boards or the media for starting all that crap
  2. Name another instance where a coach went thru what Harsin did and nothing was found
  3. For everyone that has a problem with what Harsin said yesterday or how he said it.... Think about how you would respond if the things alleged against him were levied against you. Sometimes, it's bigger than football and when family is drug into it that qualifies IMO, I think he showed alot of restraint.
  4. How bout it Cole...u keeping the board under control?
  5. Sometimes logic and message board post are about as far apart as the east is from the west
  6. I'm gonna take a break from the forum. I started posting about 6 months ago. But I've watched the forum from afar for a while now .Hopefully, I will be back during the season and discussing/ debating AU football when we can talk about actual games instead of all the other stuff that seems to be flying around the program that seems to lead to more arguments than debates. And Im as guilty as anyone.Thanks to everyone for all the good convo/ debates. I hope I brought some value with my limited insight to the board. Yall take care.. NWALA Tiger out
  7. Ok thanks for the clarification. That's all I was after. That explains it better than a face palm. I guess I should have already known that👍
  8. I get your point. But as late as a week ago. We seemed to be a lock for these guys. It appeared Golf was hinting at something deeper. Maybe I read too much into it. I just asked for an elaboration and got the ol face palm
  9. Face palm away. Seems as if your talking in code. If u know something say it. No need to be vague
  10. Why don't u elaborate on why you feel that is? We seem to have had the lead on these guys , now , all of a sudden it's 50/50 at best. It's got to be more than "It's recruiting, anything can happen/change. ... I'm asking what is the "anything"that has happened?
  11. Well I guess that's true. But all the talking heads said he was all but a lock. So , looks like folks guess both ways and say they were right when it all shakes out. First Glenn, now this guy. Either Harsin don't know how to close or we are being negative recruited against like crazy.
  12. I guess Eason would know, or at least could make stuff up to sound believable. But the question I have. Is Eason negative recruiting against AU or against Harsin. I thought Eason left on good terms
  13. I thought Faulk was a sure fire lock
  14. What was the cliff notes? Who did they say we gonna miss on or was it just generic,?
  15. Deion Sanders intrigues me. Don't get me wrong , It's best for AU for Harsin to succeed. But, someone at a Power 5 is gonna give Deion a shot. I hope it's not in the SEC . Don't want to compete against him and his on field coaching is under rated as well.
  16. I'm trying to wrap my head around this NIL thing. Is it an AU incompetence thing? A lack of leadership thing? Scared to put our toe in the water cause of the Cam fiasco? Are other schools struggling as much as we seem to be? I wish the season started tomorrow to have something else to duscuss
  17. I get what your saying. But what is the end game in your opinion. This model isn't sustainable. If it keeps going as it is. Alot of programs are gonna get squeezed out. Which will in turn hurt many athletes from being able to profit. You add that to the fact that the athletic dept, boosters and administration at AU are already dysfunctional on a good day and it spells disaster for AU. I'm all for people profiting off their NIL, but it's being abused now which will further diminish other athletes being able to profit. It's just a mess.
  18. Kind of a different angle on this. If certain boosters want Harsin gone,could they be using influence to stop the big money boosters from doing NIL? I'm not talking about Bojangles tea or some of the other small fries.. I'm mean big $ folks in Alabama
  19. Until there is regulation from Congress, the NCAA is powerless, it will be the HAVES AND THE HAVE NOTS. I agree with the 2nd point, When Mr 5 * takes a NIL deal and bolts after 1 year that will cause the big money folks to take a pause. I'm shocked it didn't happen when Quinn Ewers left Ohio St.
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