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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Zeek, you got any info on why AU didn't offer Kobe Keenum, offensive line prospect from Florence area? No AU offer. He committed to Kentucky with over 50 other offers including Penn St, FSU, Ole Miss and ARKY I am quite certain he would have came to AU... but no offer came... Good offensive line prospect
  2. Well. They passed on a guy from my area. That I know for a fact would have crawled to Auburn on broken glass. But no offer came. He committed to Kentucky over FL St, Penn State, Ole Miss and others. Good offensive line prospect.
  3. Don't know.. Maybe. Got all 4 stars right now. I agree we currently lack quantity but not quality. I guess they could load up on all 3 stars and hope for the best.
  4. Who does this cat write for? When he says AU is the worst coaching job in the country, kinda feels like a hit piece from Bummer or Jawja
  5. Did AU extend an offer to Shane Beamer? I find that hard to believe. I can see Venables and maybe Napier
  6. Good to see some of the naysayers on the board giving examples of how Harsin can be retained. Even saw one saying 2023 not 2022 will be Harsins Waterloo😆
  7. Who says we are only gonna get a bunch of 3*?
  8. We will all find out in a couple months. Right now, its all talk. The positive and the negative. That's the good thing about sports, the scoreboard don't lie
  9. Todd a any new updates on if AU will take a QB this cycle? If so who is the most likely candidate?
  10. I think so. Belichick is more aloof than arrogant
  11. I also pointed out he did that when he first arrived at Bammer, before the string of REC induced Nattys. I don't know of anyone as condescending to the media besides Bobby Knight
  12. Yeah that's what I don't get about Saban. Nobody in the media challenges him during his press conferences. When he goes on one of his rants during the in season press conference and starts demeaning or being condescending.. The media is just like " Thank you Sir, may I have another"... But Harsin is rough around the edges🤷‍♂️. I get winning cures alot of ills but Saban has been that way for a long time and no one seems to want to check him on it.
  13. So now, we've pushed it back to 2024
  14. AUgolf, after re reading our back and forth last nite, I feel like I owe you an apology. It's apparent to me that I took your initial response the wrong way. Sometimes, I respond to posts too quick, b4 thinking thru my response. My apologies, Sir
  15. Nope, we are projected to go to the Gasparilla Bowl
  16. I simply made a statement about the topic at hand being the Harsin statement at Media Days and I was ready to move to another topic . I wasn't being smart, sarcastic or anything. Then instead of engaging in the conversation, your response was a one word sarcastic answer. I don't know why u even felt the need to respond . It wasn't even a response to a post u made. But u keep on being u
  17. Or you could just focus on moderating or actually engage in the conversation
  18. Your not real good at either one
  19. Sometimes I can't tell with you? Sarcastic or just trying to be funny
  20. My final take on this, then I'm over it. Harsin knows where all this started. I mean ALL of it. From the BS affair leading to preferential treatment to coaches / player complaints. So, when he gives his statement yesterday, he said where it came from, by NOT saying where it came from He mentioned no one by name BUT by him not throwing shade to the media or message boards, it's clear where he thinks it originated. And he would surely know more than any poster or anyone else quoting "heresay"
  21. Apparently someone in the Eagle Nest does
  22. Ha ha... if these alleged complaints filed were harsh enuf to warrant an investigation and possible termination, u best believe the media vultures would be all on it.
  23. Well, that may be... but, I find it hard to believe those specific allegations werent picked up by the state run media or ESPN etc... Especially folks like Finebaum, Mark Schlabaugh and Pete Thamel. They would have had a field day . No offense, but I have to believe some of those guys have better sources than the Eagle Nest
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