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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Come on man, you don't really believe that do u? U don't think boosters are sliding in money to players under the gise of NIL?They were doing it b4 NIL at the risk of NCAA sanctions. They are absolutely doing it now with no fear of NCAA reprimand
  2. U , Mikey and AU 24 need to start a band and go on tour
  3. He may be better than Gus, but I can imagine the uproar on this board if he was AU coach and used his "analytics" like he did against AU last year. Those decisions helped cost Ole Miss the game . AU fans would have wanted to ship him off to Chop Suey China
  4. But bowl games gives players gift bags. It's also a reward for a 6-6 season
  5. That's just it. No regulation. It's the wild wild west. I think your spot on of how it was SUPPOSED to work
  6. I think this NIL thing is totally out if control. This is not what was intended. Asking fans to donate LOL... I'm all for players profiting of their name, image likeness. But it's gotta be regulated. How bout setting aside some of that TV money in a pot and giving players a certain % .. All we got now is "Boosters gone Wild".
  7. It's not sustainable to rely so heavy on the portal
  8. Coaches focus on recruiting year round. If they don't, they won't be employed long
  9. I said the same thing a few days ago about the dysfunction and got the ol face palm. Of course, I should have considered the source of where the face palm came
  10. Would like to get Jelani... Would LOVE to get BO
  11. Maybe we keep it rolling this wkend at Big Cat. Also hear Jelani Thurman has scheduled another visit to AU... Funny how just a little positive news can change the narrative
  12. For the love of all things good, can the games hurry up and get here!!
  13. Golf says it wasn't even close to happening so who knows🤷‍♂️
  14. Mikey, you don't think Auburn is dysfunctional?
  15. That narrative was being pushed by some folks. I think I read it on here, so I took it to be fact.😁Probably by the same people who said Harsin had an affair with a subordinate. Just curious, where did the #Stop Steel Movement originate?
  16. Not sure all that will ever happen... Even if Greene and Harsin are gone, history tells us AU will never be completely aligned. Not with Tubbs, Gustav, Chiz, Bowden. Only exception is Dye...Think about it, the big $ men at AU supposedly wanted Kevin Steele... This is Auburn, always been dysfunctional, prob always will be.
  17. I know he has been on campus numerous times. Not sure if it was official or unofficial. Also know Harsin visited his school back in the spring. Their high school has another D1 prospect for 2024
  18. Didn't u know Tuskaloser is made of Teflon
  19. Yep. Center or guard. Heard Lew was going to GA
  20. Zeek, you got any info on why AU didn't offer Kobe Keenum, offensive line prospect from Florence area? No AU offer. He committed to Kentucky with over 50 other offers including Penn St, FSU, Ole Miss and ARKY I am quite certain he would have came to AU... but no offer came... Good offensive line prospect
  21. Well. They passed on a guy from my area. That I know for a fact would have crawled to Auburn on broken glass. But no offer came. He committed to Kentucky over FL St, Penn State, Ole Miss and others. Good offensive line prospect.
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