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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. This is all overblown.. Rarely do package deals take place. Talked about alot but rarely happens. Especially if they are all blue chippers
  2. I'm sure TJ is working on perfecting his craft as well. You can do 2 things at once. Whether that's enuf to win the job, isn't know. But a little disingenuous to say or imply TJ isn't working to improve.
  3. Yeah, I kinda rolled it all into one
  4. I think this is actually how NIL is supposed to work. Congrats to TJ
  5. Todd, not necessarily Big Cat related , but saw where Rickie Collins decomitted from Purdue.... We interested?
  6. We saving that for Qua Russaw and James Smith
  7. I agree, after the failed Hurley prediction, if this one falls thru, Dukes reputation will take a big hit. However, Keef has Hughley flipping as well..
  8. Not necessarily. Just cause Hughley hasn't flipped yet, don't mean he won't in the future. Lest u forget we got a big time QB commitment this wkend. This is exactly my point. Hanging on every word, post and tweet that a insider says. Then when it don't happen instantly some folks revert right back to teetering on the edge.
  9. In these situations, it's best to just let it play out. The problem is there is so many sources that have conflicting info. It's hard to know what's true and what isn't. Most of us choose to believe morsels of info that is favorable for Auburn ( Dukes and Keef doing the flip from GA to AU). Then when it doesn't pan out, it's a big let down.. Dukes predicted Hurley would flip from Bama 3 months ago. I'm still waiting for that one. Best to let it play and see if he decommits. I will hazard a guess and say Hughley will be in Athens next wkend to get his deal sweetened.
  10. I agree with you. That's a good approach.. There is no way he believes all the stuff he says.. He has a bad case of the "Gustavs" that he can't shake and his way of passive aggressively dealing with it is to hate on all things Harsin. Maybe it will run its course or someone will develop a vaccine soon..
  11. Seen it while browsing articles after he committed. Also , I think it was a Keith Niebhur, source say that Posse has the best arm talent of the 24 QB class
  12. If you weren't so blinded by your hate for Harsin because he replaced your beloved Gustav you would realize that getting a QB for the 24 class is a huge deal. Most everyone thinks this is important, with the obvious exception being U. It helps lay the foundation for the class and helps to show that this QB believes Harsin and Co are in it for the long haul. This is the first step to overcoming the Feb crap. Alot of the teams that are enjoying success in the 23 class started with early commitments especially at the QB position. You say u will be happy when the current staff accomplishes something positive... How in the world is 4* QB, who most think will be 5 * soon, committing to AU , regardless of class, not a positive thing?
  13. It wouldn't matter what AU did. It wouldn't be enuf to make that cat happy
  14. I was the first one he responded to.. YES!! YES!! YES!!!
  15. What are the chances it happens? Better than 50/50?
  16. Is Mikey and GunSmithAU the same person?
  17. So is Jhalil Hurley a surprise visitor for Big Cat Weekend?
  18. Is Bo Hughley on flip watch this wkend?
  19. Your first sentence is possibly the most contradictory statement in the history of mankind.
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