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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Some folks are optimistic about being pessimistic. Not mentioning any names, of course
  2. Not after this year. We lose a ton of OL
  3. I wonder why the moved Jeremiah Wright back to DT.. Seemed like a good candidate for our OL... Since the DL is so much deeper, perhaps Harsin needs to pull a Tubs and switch some DL to OL...
  4. Yep with the gap in between classes. Got to get plug and play guys. Most high school OL aren't ready as True Freshmen
  5. Yep. Be interesting to see the state of college athletics in 5 years
  6. I never said all players were getting paid. Nor did I mention any players at AU specifically were getting paid. But I will say it again, if u think some players haven't gotten paid in the past, your not living in reality. The latest example, check McDonald's sacks in Knoxville.. What I have knowledge of wasn't a football player, it was a basketball player BTW and he didn't sign with AU, it was another SEC school many yrs ago. And I will say it AGAIN, players deserve a share of the TV money. That takes boosters and phoney NIL out of it
  7. Prob no one. My opinion, it will run its course. Whoever is paying all this NIL money will get mad and stop paying when their chosen guy doesn't pan out or transfers to a rivals school. Just gotta run its course. I think the athletes should get a stipend % of the TV money. That's how I would regulate it. But if u think kids ain't been getting paid for years, your sadly mistaken. Back in the day, I personally saw it with all 4 of my eyes
  8. NCAA prob not. Schools or conferences regulating? Maybe
  9. Athletes have been "getting paid" for years. NIL could be a good thing if it is regulated properly.
  10. Hey, the only person on the board that can call people names is Golf
  11. Is that sick as in pucking kinda sick or sic as in a good thing, I think that's the slang...
  12. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to when the starting QB will be announced. I will say after 1st scrimmage.
  13. May be best to move the whole thread to politics.
  14. The campus sure has run down since last time I was in town
  15. Not trying to start an argument, but what did I post that u don't agree with or isn't true? On 2nd thought, nevermind, like you said.... I will move along too
  16. Pretty simple.. Kid made a mistake. Not the crime of the century, but if a law was broken, there are consequences, no matter how silly or insignificant the law is. Don't run from the cops. Get your ticket and move on.. Cops don't make laws they just enforce them. Not the cops fault. If u don't like the laws vote the folks out who make them .
  17. Well since we are all having a Seinfeld Festivis moment. Let me air my grievance. An OL from Florence with over 50 offers , would have come to AU in a heartbeat. No offer came, he committed to KY... BTW according Rivals, he was only one spot behind Brayden Joiner in the state of ALA..He is listed as a center but just like Lew and Joiner could play guard... And before anyone says, no, I'm not close friends with his family. I know them and know things about his recruitment.
  18. Ahhhhh all the back and forth.... just hold on little bit longer.. Proof will be in the pudding.
  19. These cats crack me up with their innuendos and vague reasoning. I think they just hedging their bets to cover all bases
  20. I agree some of his content is kinda out there
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