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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Maybe they didn't want to go up against the AU recruiting machine, led by Coach Bryan Harsin
  2. I'm not sure anyone does. Just seems to me, after reading between the lines, that Finley should have been named starter already.
  3. So now Hoke says " The Qb race is a very close, intense battle". The question is ... between who?
  4. Mikey, does being right all the time ever get old?
  5. Bo is gone... Finley will start.... 1st sign of adversity and Cats on here will be calling for Ashford or Gernier... The more things change... the more they stay the same...
  6. It never ceases to amaze me how some folks live to beat their chest over ancient posts, all in the name of trying to convince other folks how smart they are for being " right"
  7. DAG, I'm offended, that you were not offended
  8. He seems to think that boosters and NIL are totally separate. Craziest thing I've ever heard
  9. Yep. But Au 24 thinks boosters and NIL aren't tied together
  10. I hear what your saying, now understand what Im saying.... I said in SOME cases the booster and the business is one in the same. There are exceptions of course.
  11. Ahhhh, not so sure bout that. In some cases the booster is running the business
  12. That cat is clubbing the fire out of our receivers lol
  13. I have said it's very possible TJ has improved. BUT, it wasn't shown in the Spring Game. He was way too inconsistent. Maybe there has been improvement since then. If there hasn't been much improvement and TJ is the best we got, then we got a boatload of trouble this season
  14. Which also speaks poorly of our QB room if Finley is the best of the lot. This is the most important decision of Harsins coaching career. He has to get it right
  15. Just scrap the QB position and run the single wing or Notre Dame Box.. U know the kind of offenses that were run during Golf's days.. 😄
  16. To your point much was made during media viewing of practice that TJ was always paired w Tank.. Then the next couple days ZC was paired w tank. Too early to tell
  17. I'm gonna make a prediction. Calzada or Ashford will have a good scrimmage on Friday . It will throw this board into a tailspin wondering what Harsin is gonna do
  18. Or he could have worked his butt off in the off-season and improved. I would have loved to see some of the archive posts about Jason Campbell b4 the 2004 season. Not saying TJ will improve that much, but stranger things have happened
  19. When we gonna get some info about the scrimmage or is gonna be lock up tighter than Dick's hat band?
  20. Anybody heard any new developments in the QB race. Rumor has it that Finley may be in the lead. Anyone else hearing anything?
  21. Whats the early line on penn st game?
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