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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I remember reading that on here too. Wonder who is right? Marshall also wrote an article that boosters wanted Steele
  2. Why not go for Deion Sanders. Doesn't have to be an AU alum. Although, I hope it's Harsin and he stays. But, I want to caution folks, Harsin could leave because he wants to because he is tired of the AUB crap. Especially if he wins 9 games this yr. He would have other options. So be careful what u wish for.
  3. Do u think it's a coincidence this happens a week b4 the season starts?
  4. Is or was this decision made by the boosters and is is related to Greene's hire of Harsin? Can u refresh my memory on the post about Harsin?
  5. Bird, was this decision made by the Boosters?
  6. You predicting the same kinda game with Mercer this year?
  7. Yes I stated that earlier. But still no official starter 9 days away from 1st game
  8. I dont think it will be decided till the week of Penn St game. I mean, we could trot Mikey out there to play QB the first 2 games and win easily. I think all 3 will play those first 2 games and that will go a long way to determine the starter for the rest of the year.
  9. Not necessarily playing games, just seems odd that most all the pundits seem to think it's Finley..But as I pointed out earlier, the media sees a small window of practice time. They base their opinion off that. They don't know what is going on the other 2 hrs at practice. Some AU letterman may see more at practice and have a better opinion. So, is this QB race really already decided as the beat writers feel? Don't know. Just seems to me if it's clear cut gonna be Finley, then name him the starter and move forward.
  10. Possibly. But most all the people in " the know " beat writers etc all say its Finleys job. And it may well be... even reading between the lines of what Harsin has said supports this. But the fact remains , Finley still hasn't been named starter, which would support your theory
  11. The conspiracy theory in me thinks there is a reason Finley hasnt been announced yet.... as in the coaching staff really wants it to be Calzada
  12. Not officially, only based on limited viewing of certain media members or certain AU letterman who are allowed to watch practice
  13. He ain't gonna have 3 or 4 seconds to throw this year
  14. I can only imagine the reaction of some these cats on here when we lose a game. It will be epic
  15. Yeah, don't know why I get drug in with him so often
  16. As far as he is concerned, they are one in the same
  17. Why, even when we are on the verge of getting 4 * talent, folks like u complain or think there is something else " going on" with them
  18. Has it ever occurred to u that just maybe this staff knows how to evaluate talent and the guy will prove to be a good WR. So what if someone else wants him only as a DB... See my Kerryon Johnson example. But that happened during the previous regime, so it doesn't count I guess.
  19. If memory serves, Bama wanted Kerryon Johnson as a safety. That turned out pretty good for us and Kerryon
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