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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. If he kept his starting OL on the last drive. We milk clock, probably score and win 49 10. Plus Ashford needs all the work he can get w starters
  2. But I guess if we do that, then certain people couldn't push their agendas
  3. How bout let's let this game finish and see which QB played the best. Then that guy starts next week. This ain't rocket science.
  4. It's only been 3 quarters. No doubt Finleys picks were bad. Don't wanna bury him yet. BUT, if Ashford has any type of accuracy, with his mobility. He will be tough to keep off the field. A mobile QB just adds so much to your offense
  5. Nice to be able to meltdown over the games instead of all the other stuff
  6. I can only imagine this board if there is another coach search in December. I'm still having issues blocking the last search
  7. Once again, my point on this is simple. Maybe Greene wasn't happy and wanted out. Why does it have to be some deep seeded reason??.
  8. Absolutely. Like I said, the part about lazy, not showing up is more of throwing crap against a wall to see if it sticks..My point is fairly simple. Maybe he wasn't happy and he wanted out. It's possible that the boosters made him so miserable after he bucked them and hired Harsin that he had enuf. We simply don't know. I liked the guy personally. He was always well spoken and seemed to represent AU well.
  9. Was he fired? His contract wasn't renewed... How do we know he would sign an extension? Perhaps he wanted out of AU as bad as AU wanted him out.. Rumors had it he was actively interested in other AD jobs
  10. Here is my take on Greene ...which BTW means nothing.... It was reported that he was interviewing for other jobs. Maybe true, maybe not.... But how do we know he would even sign a contract extension with AU???. If he is looking at other jobs , maybe it's as simple as he wasn't happy at AU...
  11. I dont think anyone accused or insinuated Greene or Corn of sleeping with a subordinate. I know it was all rumor and message board fodder,, but that's all we have on Greenes departure as well, alot of people throwing crap on the wall to see if it sticks
  12. The dragging the man's name and family thru the mud.
  13. Why can't it just be that it didn't work out with Greene. I mean was he or was he not actively looking or interviewing for other jobs. Maybe it was a mutual thing. It doesn't always have to be some deep, dark hidden agenda or reason
  14. I would go so far as to say what was done to the head coach was worse
  15. Per Judge Judy, If something doesn't make sense. It's not true
  16. I'm with you. Folks can laugh emoji all they want. Whether he is all SEC caliber or not. Just solid improvement will go a long way
  17. Time to get behind Finley. He put in the work, earned the job... He won't complete every pass and will undoubtedly throw a pick or 2..... Folks need to understand He ain't perfect. But as usual, I'm sure the board will melt down at the 1st sign of adversity. GIVE THE GUY A CHANCE!!!!!
  18. The General was on the search committee with Greene and Q Riggins. So, I ask u again..... It's almost a certainty that the General not only supported the Harsin hire, but he recommended it.... So does your support of The General change ????
  19. Yeah can't wait to see how 24 will spin this one
  20. Be interesting to see if you change your tune about Gen Burgess, if it is true that he supported the hire of Harsin. Many are speculating that to be the case
  21. I hope that's the case. But, how would it make AUB look if he left us and went to some team like Wash St or Cal.. Just saying he could get fed up and tell us to kick rocks just as easy as AU firing him
  22. I remember reading that on here too. Wonder who is right? Marshall also wrote an article that boosters wanted Steele
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