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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Calzada has just got to be some kinda terrible to not start for this team
  2. I agree, we will eek out a win and be left with tons of questions
  3. Time to unwrap our secret weapon. Zachariah Calzada, warm up, son.
  4. At a loss for words. Have we even tried to throw the ball to WR?
  5. To sum up most all of your posts for the last 18 months.. " We dont", " we won't, I can't, we can't, We haven't, Harsin can't, Harsin hasn't.....
  6. Coach speak. Doesn't want to lose TJ mentally. I'm not buying it was a coincidence that TJ didn't go back in after the 2nd pick. I want TJ to succeed, but u have to call it what it is
  7. Splitting hairs, whether it's a bad decision or bad throw, end result is the same
  8. Better be careful you will feel the wrath of the Gustav fan club
  9. I read something to the effect that Bruce didn't go after Sears because of a promise to Green or Zep or possibly Donaldson. I have no idea if that's true because like most everything else on here, it was just a rumor. I saw him play in high school and wondered if he was a tad too short. But he was strong and could penetrate a defense for sure.
  10. Me either. All I got to go on is Ashford played better in the spring game and then again last nite. But, I agree. Don't matter to me who plays. It just needs to be whoever gives best chance to win
  11. Who played better Saturday? But at any rate. It will be the same game plan Saturday if for no other reason than to make Penn St prepare for both QBS
  12. Why don't u tell us where he "is".. All we have to go on is results on the field. Last nite, Ashford had the better game. Maybe, TJ tears it up next week then so be it. The fact remains, Ashford didn't showcase his skills cause he wasnt hit at practice. I say have the same plan as last week and see what happens. But at worst, they need to split practice time 50 50 this week
  13. The problem is we only have 1 game to figure it out. If it's Ashford he needs as much work as possible. This week in practice and next Saturday. That's the dilemma Harsin has
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