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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I see Kiffins name alot. He's only couple spots ahead of Harsin in the rankings. Could he get top 10 classes at AU?
  2. Good question... What is most important trait in a coach? Recruiting? Roster Mgmt? Assembling a staff? Some are good at some things not others..
  3. Folks, I fell into the trap thinking Harsin could develop our current roster to give him time to upgrade our talent level . He is 0-6 in his last 6 games against P5 teams. The development didn't happen and for various reasons he hasn't upgraded our talent level. His only card left is Calzada. If he lights it up against Mizzou, the question will be. Why did it take so long to put him in. No win situation. Just not a good fit. I'm past blaming Gus or Harsin or anybody else. They all played a part. Time to get the RIGHT guy in to fix it.
  4. U know that's not the way we roll at AU. Dysfunction is our middle name
  5. The question to be asked about yesterday... Is Penn St really that much better than AU? The sobering reality is yes. They would beat us 9 times out of 10
  6. Looking back,even though I wouldnt have agreed at the time, they should have cut Harsin loose in Feb. At least we would be 1 year in on a new regime. Now feels like we are gonna waste another recruiting class and be left twisting in the wind another cycle
  7. Well, if this is some sort of Penn St tradition. AU coaches and players had the chance to not let it happen in the first place, so I doubt they care
  8. Ok, so is he a puppet for the PTB.... with this Harsin hire going south, have to believe this next hire will have to come with Yellow Fellows blessing
  9. I'm not sure he can beat Mizzo on Sat, are u?
  10. With signing day in Dec..... if a change is going to be made we can't wait till after the season. I imagine calls are being made to reps of coaching candidates to gage interest. To mitigate future damage all this has to be done right. The question is.... Is Mcglynn a puppet for the PTB... or will he go rogue like Greene did? I think it's the former
  11. They handed us our drawers. Beating our logo is the least of our worries
  12. Champ would at least show some emotion and act like he cares on the sideline. Harsin looks like he is at someone's funeral visitation
  13. So the question now is when does it happen? That's the most important thing now. Timing is crucial for the future. I have no faith in AU Administration to get any of this right
  14. Well, if it's AU off coordinator, then the OP may be right
  15. Ol Champ...just like an old dog... keeps returning to the place he was once fed
  16. My thing is... It wasn't Harsin, per say.. I just felt whoever the AU coach was deserved time. Harsin has so many wounds, some self inflicted, that's it hard to see a way out
  17. Draw a name out of a hat. Gonna get same result
  18. LOL P Marshall quoting Teddy Roosevelt's WWll Speech
  19. The portal could make the landing a little softer
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