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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Would help if next coach showed some emotion on sidelines. At least act like they want to be there
  2. Look I didn't say it would happen. Thamel broke Harsin coming to AU. Thamel was also one the reporters that Harsin called during the coup attempt in Feb. Hence the TIFWIW disclaimer
  3. FWIW... If memory serves. Thamel broke Harsin to AU in 2020. He also broke that Harsin would be retained after the investigation
  4. Thamel links Harsin to Ariz St. That would be a great outcome for us.
  5. Again, he got caught. Didn't cover his tracks. That'd the difference between him and a bunch of other high profile coaches
  6. Freeze just got caught . Yall don't be naive and think unscrupulous things don't go on at Bama, GA, Oh St etc...
  7. Was just about to ask everyone thoughts on him
  8. This time it will be an in the box hire. Think Freeze or Kiffin
  9. Not sure if he could mentally handle it.. SEC West is different animal than when he was at Florida. GA wasn't as good and rocky top was in shambles
  10. Gets earlier and earlier ever year. December signing date is the reason
  11. Problem is we have zero identity on offense. Part time pro set. Part time zone read. Part time some illegitimate combo of both.
  12. Last yr Stoops coached Okie in the bowl game. I remember Barry Alvarez filled in at Whisky... Hmmmmm, who do we have...Used to have alot of ex AU coaches still living in Auburn... One thing for sure, when Hars is fired, his family will jet outta town b4 sundown
  13. Interesting scenario... Possible short term pain for long term gain. If firing him now gets us out front on looking for a new coach, then it's valid. After all, will be favored in only 1 , maybe 2 games from here on in. Depressing times
  14. Simple. There are more job openings than quality coaches. Not enuf supply to cover the demand. Hence the demand for higher salaries and less stipulations. Same as the reason u paying more for a gallon of milk
  15. Don't much work without talent. Talent will cover scheme flaws. But OL is little different. It's like a 5 positions have to be in sync or it don't work
  16. I agree. Would have to search far and wide to find enuf highlights to make a 30 min show. Prob had alot of interviews and stories about the school.
  17. How much is lack of talent. And how much of it is coaching
  18. Can't get any coach worth a flip with those type stipulations
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