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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. We COULD have won 8 games this yr with halfway competent coaching... Arky, Texas Am are both beatable. But not with this comedy hour that we call a coaching staff
  2. It was sad to watch.. AU needs to cut him loose tonight. It's agonizing for all parties. Not good to see anyone's family going thru that
  3. Go watch Harsin greet his family ( his daughters are wiping tears). Then he has a talk with Ashford. Then his wife hugs Ashford. Sure looks like Harsin thinks it's over
  4. U forgot going for it on 4th and 10 up 17 to 14
  5. Can't wait to hear his reasoning for going for it on 4th and 10 up 17 to 14 and burning a time out in the process
  6. Good luck. I waited on hold for 1hr 34 min. Finally gave up
  7. I'm sure it's no coincidence it happened during football season
  8. Dish has removed ESPN. Any suggestions on how I can watch game.? I have ESPN app and Verizon. Any help appreciated
  9. Another take on Deion... Could it be possible, he would like to go to P5 school and bring his son with him? Give his son a chance to prove himself against the best and get more exposure His son is tearing it up a JSU right now. Sorry Hank didn't mean to piggyback off your post.
  10. Hard to argue numbers. If I didn't see it in black and white, I would say it's not true. That's how bad those numbers are
  11. This board will be solid gold when a new coach is hired. I can't wait for all the nit picking and back biting
  12. It's Deion for me. He checks the most boxes that I have. Not sure about all the love for Grimes, but that's JMO
  13. Hars just said he is day to day. Oh well, don't matter either way
  14. Not me. All my posts are 100% based on rock solid facts 💯
  15. Ok. In reality. Neither of us knows what he will or won't do as neither of us are in his head. So I guess we will see.. As far as being hypocritical.. That's funny as literally ever coach denies they are interested in any other jobs..
  16. Disagree... If what you say is true, why did he interview at Arky and TCU couple years ago? He is gonna get a P5 job soon, if not us, somewhere else in the South... Do we really want to have to deal with him, Saban AND Kirby?...Think about it
  17. No sense getting all worked up.. As I stated yesterday. We gonna hire who Yellow Feller says we gonna hire. May be Sanders or someone else. No use getting all worked up.
  18. I wish I knew how to do that emoji thing where the little guy has popcorn and a drink
  19. It also has to do with the type of shoes they wear. Not speaking from experience, of course
  20. Not hookers, call girls... There is a difference
  21. Don't we have an inside scoop on him from someone on the forum? A cousin maybe?
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