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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Ha ha not a chance . He will hire who he is told to
  2. All those are physical mistakes and yes they hurt us. But u don't expect a head coach to make a mind numbing mental mistake, especially after he burned a time out to think about it.
  3. Good point. But does his QB development and playing calling make up for it? Hard to say
  4. Talk about dipping your pin in the company ink
  5. The Dec signing period should change that now. Alot of coaches getting the axe earlier
  6. Some question Kiffin as a recruiter.. Didn't he recruit well his short time at Tenn? I know he pushed the envelope some.. As someone else posted, gotta include his mgmt of the portal, which he has done great with. He also got Freshman RN that AU didn't want (Judkins) and is turning him into a star Deion is my Numero Uno... but Kiffin has overtook Freeze as my number 2.
  7. Hmmm, don't know about that 1. Won 10 last yr. Prob do the same this yr with different QB..In the SEC West, mind u..
  8. Not only that, but he burned a time out to come up with that decision. I wonder if Kiffin and his analytics would have done the same thing.... With each passing day, it's more apparent to me that Deion is the right choice for AU
  9. Man, Whisky ain't messing around. That cat won at least 10 games 4 years.. Won 9 last yr and won most of his bowl games.. Meanwhile, back at the AU ranch.....
  10. No offense, but how do u know this?
  11. Paul Chryst out at Wisky.. Another 1 beats us 2 the punch
  12. Shows where we are as a program
  13. Actually it's about 300k more if he is fired now vs Dec
  14. True. But if the decision has been made. Need to get on with it and start seriously vetting other candidates
  15. If the decision has been made. Do it. No need to wait
  16. Yeah, what's up with that? It was a good read and would have been a discussion point. IMO it was a different thread from the who do u want the coach to be poll.. Quick trigger on the lockup IMO...
  17. Hoke insinuates that Harsin has been offered a new buyout
  18. We COULD have won 8 games this yr with halfway competent coaching... Arky, Texas Am are both beatable. But not with this comedy hour that we call a coaching staff
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