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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Who were the Auburn people that brought this up? Who made these accusations? Do u have names or job titles?
  2. Someone call and wake P Marshall up and tell him
  3. Venables turned us down or at least that's what I read on here. So, I'm sure it's true
  4. The ones that aren't recruiting.... are they from the potato capitol of the world?
  5. Don't think I've seen your preferred choice, who would u like?
  6. Easy answer to that. Make the buyout so high , FSU COULDN'T afford it... Wait... nevermind
  7. U know it's bad when Marshall is calling for Harsins ouster. Even though he is doing subtlety
  8. I love it when he gets up an does a hand clap, Like.... I almost touched him LOL
  9. So we are where we are.. Everyone knows Harsin is gone. The Pres has a chance to rip the band off... Will he? How he handles this will show how serious we are about Fball and will go a long way toward determining how long it takes to recover from this mess. At best Harsin should be fired today. At worst, make the announcement today and let him finish the year. Every day that goes by with no action, is another day of lost hope for the program.
  10. 2 smartest people on Au team.... Landen King and Zechariah Calzada
  11. Don't just fire his ass. Fire all of him
  12. Terrible offense, Defense gets worn down,, we lose by 35.. Blah, blah
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