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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I'm not trying to speak for Bird, but I think one of his big reasons for hiring Grimes is he has the best chance to unite everyone at AU from the Yellow Fellow all the way down to the custodian in the Athletic Dept. Something that is and has been lacking and is a vital component to overall success
  2. Why not Freeze,? Like u said the Prez and AD will have info we don't have. Maybe they have info that debunks some of the things said or written about Freeze
  3. If he is trolling, then he is dumber than a box of rocks
  4. Let's look at this a different way. Let's take 3 of the most talked about candidates.. Grimes, Deion and Freeze.. Which one has the highest probability of causing us to kick ourself 5 yrs down the road for not hiring him. Kinda like we do with Kirby now. That may tell us who we need to hire
  5. No need to get all up arms yet. Certain big $ people may have favorites. But the Prez is only focusing on finding an AD right now. Any conjecture about who is a leading candidate for coach, is just guessing at this point. A little birdie told me this.
  6. Anyone other than Grimes that will sure fire get an interview?
  7. Same was said bout Kirby. Can't live in fear if Deion is the guy. Sign him up and don't worry about what might be
  8. Is Deion a serious candidate for AU, in your opinion? In other words, does he have enuf backing to get a interview?
  9. I'm not sure whats going on .But now we are expecting a commitment from a top 100 player soon. DL out of Florida, that was supposedly all Miami is now pegged to come to AU. How we getting these players with a staff that is in limbo?
  10. Like u said. No preconceived notions... Give top 3 candidates sit down interviews. Deion has to be in top 3. Do homework and research all 3 from A to Z.. Then make the best decision. But,if it's true, they already have their choice. Then no dog and pony show saying we interviewed all 3 and choose Coach so and so.. In other words, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining
  11. Thanks, good analysis, saved me alot of research.
  12. What would a potential Grimes staff look like OC? Hurry up offense? Etc
  13. I mean, I get OL is our glaring weakness. But, hope we not just including Grimes cause of that. We need help EVERYWHERE on offense from players to play calling. But, Bird and Golf seems to think it could be a good hire. So I will defer to them till I can research Grimes more
  14. Just hard for me to get juiced up bout Grimes. I haven't really researched him though. I'm just trying to figure out the appeal of him. He was here 2 or 3 yrs. Did he reel in a bunch of 5*? Was the line play that good? Is he our Sam Pittman? Someone explain the appeal
  15. I dont get the infatuation with Grimes... but, I don't know alot about him either
  16. I dont know anything about Grimes. Hope someone can shed some light why he is a candidate. Why did he leave AU in the 1st place
  17. Don't think Rhule is getting alot of traction
  18. Hoke says the coaching search would start with Jeff Grimes. Says new Prez won't sign off on Freeze unless several turn AU down. Many seem to think Grimes is gaining momentum
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