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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. I didn't say I was listening to forums. It's really simple to me. At AU there has always been 2 or 3 folks who call the shots. Those people have changed names over the years but the process hasn't. Now, some are upset because they were so sure AU would all align and sing Kombyya on this AD hire. It didn't happen and it won't on the HC hire. It's really that simple. Follow the 2 or 3 decision makers , see who their favorites are and connect the dots. Greene didn't do that and u see what happened to him.
  2. Whats funny is people thought it would be different and everyone would align . Just won't ever happen at AU, not how we roll
  3. I agree. The HC hire is more important than the AD hire
  4. So, I just want to make sure that I understand what your saying... When u say Roberts veered off script... Are you saying he didn't get approval from anyone to hire Cohen? Roberts went solo?
  5. If the 2 or 3 people who call the shots wanted Hartwell . They would've hired him
  6. Different places, mostly from just listening to what I hear and trying to apply common sense ( which sometimes gets u in trouble at AU). It's mostly based on the fact that there are 2 or 3 people at AU who call the shots in the athletic dept. Study them, their past habits and u can gain alot of insight. Disclaimer. I didn't do the above when I predicted Harsjn wouldn't get fired this year... I went rogue LOL
  7. And by the same token u can disagree with me all you want. You keep pushing this narrative that ALL parties were supposed to be in alignment on this hire of the AD. That simply will never happen. Never has at AU and I doubt it ever will. I'm surprised u think this time would be different. I bet they can't all even decide on what's for lunch, much less all be aligned on the AD hire. BTW, it will be the same case when we hire a coach. I'm surprised, that your surprised about how this went down. Green and Gouge may have went rogue. Roberts didn't.
  8. I have to disagree. IMO too many ego's, too many with their own self interest to get complete alignment. I think Cohen has been in it for a while. His name wasn't leaked cause of where he was working. It just makes no sense to me that Roberts went rogue on this, considering what happened to the last guy that went rogue... I feel confident that Roberts had the backing of the 2 or 3 most important people ( u know who they are). There wasn't what u call pushback on Cohen, I'm told it was more hurt feelings that they weren't included or consulted b4 Roberts made his final decision. But, like I said the 2 or 3 most important ones were consulted and are on board.
  9. Do u really think there can be true alignment thru out all parties at AU? I dont. As long as the main 2 or 3 are on board, that's the best we can hope for IMO. I bet everyone wasn't on board with Dye. The main 2 or 3 were and Dye was winning. Will be same situation this time.
  10. No need to stroke out people. The plan is in place. The first domino will fall today or tomorrow. The head coach will be named in a month or so. It's hilarious some of u think Cohen will employ a search committee and scour the country for a head coach. There isn't time for that. The plan is set. Cohen is on board with it. He has a very very short list to choose from. Sit back and enjoy...
  11. Who are the money people that didn't want Cohen?
  12. I will support whoever they hire until proven otherwise. You on the other hand have a very good chance of having to turn in your fan card, pompoms, seat at Toomers Drugstore and all of your selfies with Aubie if a certain coach is hired.
  13. Well, since you have the connections and can get the info for free , who is the next coach?Not who u want, but who it will be?
  14. You need to let go of the never Freeze crap FYI
  15. You been listening to Hoke too much. The main booster is who he listens to
  16. Apparently, he never has made them
  17. Dude, are u Roberts kid or something? U seem to be in his mind and know what he will or won't do. For the umpteenth time. The PTB are making this hire. It's all lining up with the hiring of Cohen the 1st domino to fall
  18. I just don't think the boosters will go for an out of the box hire. Harsin burnt them all
  19. Ok. LOL. Is that why Saban wanted to hire him 4 yrs ago? The guy has paid his debt. It was over 4 yrs ago.
  20. Everybody gotta eat, Bro. And it was an escort service, not hookers.. Their is a difference LOL
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