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Everything posted by NWALA Tiger

  1. Let me ask u this. What type of coach is Sanders? CEO type or does he call his own plays? I get the recruiting part. I'm more interested in him assembling a staff and what it would look like
  2. I agree , except not sure on Ruhle. Don't know enuf about him
  3. Be interesting to see what's left of the Potato gang. Remember they will call both defense and offensive plays
  4. To this point, I'm not sure Kiffin would do any socializing either. But if he wins enuf , I guess it won't matter
  5. There were several on here saying the had the goods on Harsin especially related to the inquiry. Said they couldn't talk till he was gone....... He gone so let's hear it.....
  6. I worry about Kiffen and recruiting. But he does great in the portal
  7. Some of these names being floated about makes me wonder what some of the cats did at journalism school... Kenny Dillingham, chip kelly, TRob, LOL.
  8. Cudos to you for your call on this last year
  9. Didn't take Cohen long to do his analysis, did it
  10. I'm not sure why u are throwing shade to me. Every sentence u typed above is a detailed explanation of a wink and a nod.
  11. A wink and a nod was included with that
  12. No offense taken . Never once said I was an insider. Go back and read some of my other posts. I explained how I came to my conclusions. I like to research and find out things for myself and formulate my opinion from that. You dont have to agree with or even read what I post. I didn't realize u had to be an insider to do such on a message board. All opinions should be welcome, not just ones that agree with the "insiders". I enjoyed my debate with TitanTiger. I hope he did as well.
  13. I get that. But why did u think it would be different. Unless the 2 main players were on board there would be no complete alignment. I just can't believe if 1 of the 2 main players told Roberts not to hire Cohen that he would proceed and hire him. It's been this way at AU for 40 years
  14. I think Freeze is the preferred pick of A VERY IMPORTANT power broker at AU. I also think that Cohen has been given a very short list with Danny Hugh's name at the top. I dont think it would be a good career move for Cohen to buck certain PTB right off the bat.
  15. Ok. If this is indeed what happened, Roberts will be fired before long just like everyone else does that bucks certain PTB. I disagree with that cause I think he got approval from the 2 most important ones. Just as u stated above about the 800 LB gorilla in the room. I'm not trying to necessarily be " right" here. I just think it's naive to think all of the sudden everybody at AU is on the same page.
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