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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. I believe you've nailed it with this post. It feels like that's exactly how everything panned out once it was obvious this staff just couldn't land upgrades. Well these 5-6th yr seniors will have a Master's degree when they leave, all on AU's dime.
  2. At some point it feels like you have to yank the band aid off and take your lumps to build the line from scratch. Maybe BH would've done that if his staff had any success getting a few HS linemen + some top portal guys. But it appears that's not something Auburn can do this year, so here we are with veteran guys returning and they'll end up snatching that band aid off after the '22 season. 🤢
  3. How do we know that we can't pull together enough NIL $$ for Oline players? I agree we need to pony up big money for olinemen as it's a position of huge need, but who knows if that's taking place right now or not? Also, what kind of NIL package did we offer CW?
  4. Why would it be a sound business decision for the NFL to fund a farm league? They already get the cream of the crop in experienced and talented college athletes now.
  5. I agree, and you pay the going rate + some to secure top players through NIL. The kid & his fam want a big payday and programs will ante up to get his services.
  6. I doubt BH wants that headache to be honest. If the guy had work ethic problems in that system at uat, he wouldn't cut it here either. You've got the want to do the right thing and do your part 24/7 in both Saban & Harsin's programs.
  7. Good post. I hope these returner's aren't worn down and haven't already hit their ceiling. To compete in this conference you have to be able to match up with SEC caliber linemen and I haven't seen that from the veterans yet.
  8. I can't help but feel sad that #1 we have to rely on the portal so much and #2 it appears can't even pull the *'s in the portal at a desperately needed position group. WTH is wrong with playing oline for the O&B?
  9. Has anyone mentioned that CW & his fam are looking for the best NIL deal he can get & this has turned into a bidding war?
  10. Amen! PM needs to be put out to pasture. He should know when it's time to go and now that he has zero connections within AU AD, it's time to GO.
  11. Tinfoil hats, black helicopters, REC at work? I don't participate in social media and boycotted AL.com over a decade ago. My reference was the recent article from Philip Marshall chastising our fanbase because he claims the negativity is so bad that it has has a negative impact on Auburn recruiting. He even went so far as to question a "former Auburn coach" to corroborate the assertions in his article. I agree 100% that Auburn fans are no different (for better or worse) than any other fickle fanbase as it relates to frustration with coaches and players after a loss. I've felt that AU fans in the past have been more than patient and understanding while we endured complete mediocrity for several years. Other fans would've crucified their HC (i.e. LSU/Orgeron) when he turned in mediocre results which eventually resulted in his termination.
  12. Do Auburn fans really love Auburn win or lose though? This fanbase was chastised just last week for spewing negativity on twitter, etc. to the point where it was alleged we were damaging our own recruiting.
  13. OR come visit when Bruce & his crew are killing it on the court and making us ALL proud Auburn Fans! Look no further than AU Basketball for proof of how passionate and supportive our fans can be!
  14. Pure hatred of the Man Gus Malzhan? No Pure hatred of the AU Administration for handcuffing this program with a one-sided contract extension for a very mediocre HC only to have to pay a king's ransom to get rid of him & his staff? Yes Pure hatred for the years of ignoring the offensive line recruiting? Yes Pure hatred of poor roster management, and inability to evolve and innovate on offense? Yes
  15. Exactly! Anyone take a gander at the uga boards when their undefeated season when to hell in a handbasket in the SECG!!?? How 'bout LSU's fans getting their HC fired 2 yrs after a NC? UF fans had daggers for Dan Mullen for the last 2 yrs and hated his piss poor recruiting resulting in him basically giving up & begging to be fired. This is nothing more than another P. Marshall piece lamenting and trying to chastise the fanbase and it's laughable.
  16. It's not a problem if we can back fill those 1-2 QBs that transfer out with 1-2 top shelf Olinemen. I'm hoping Auburn can trade ^^ up a several notches when guys leave the program.
  17. These kids & more importantly their parents want huge $$package deals$$ now through NIL. Guaranteed $$ up front with installment $$ distributions in the package.
  18. I never said I was perfectly happy with the last decade. I just know how Auburn operates, and it's nothing like uat. Auburn prides itself on having a higher moral standard.
  19. Well, WE aren't the "ass cheeks" in that comparison. 😁
  20. Hiring Nick Saban was a boon for them, the ROI for the entire school is immeasurable at this point in his stint. Enrollment has doubled, new academic & athletic facilities have multiplied ten fold in the last decade and they gave him carte blanc clearance to get anything he wants for is program. I've always been averse to comparing Auburn to bama and any shape or form because the two are as different as apples and ass cheeks.
  21. It really should allow a one time donation of any denomination for folks that don't do subscriptions, like me. I understand they want to budget/forecast future income and disbursed to the athletes, I'd just like the one time donation option. Just a thought.
  22. IIRC there were way more players in the portal last year than available spots on rosters. What did all those athletes end up doing when they didn't land a spot on a roster?
  23. I'm in the same 6-6 boat Mikey. Simply because '21 season had experienced QB/oline/RB & an infusion of portal players and they finished 6-6. We lost a lot of experience and until I see an enrichment of talent coming in for '22 I don't think they finish any better than another 6-6 season.
  24. I'd never heard of Davis until it was posted on this board, I couldn't name a single position coach on any NFL team. While I never liked the Bobo hire I did understand it because Harsin needed recruiters with regional experience. I was not impressed with offense this season and some of the idiotic play calling was too reminiscent of the past few years. Hopefully the Davis hire brings improved production, the guy has an uphill battle that he better be ready for in the SEC.
  25. It seemed like that giant of a man was looking for the sidelines every other snap.
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