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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. In defense of "them", there's no way they could have seen Gus' faults and not feel a change was necessary. Perhaps they love Gus the man and also realized a change was needed? Perhaps they felt that IF a change was made that things may get worse? All of those statements could be correct, but CBH has done near nothing to prove to "them" that the change was a good thing.
  2. The narrative on this hire changes almost daily, CBH hasn't turned it into a positive narrative in 3 months! It's been spiraling downward since November. When you lose 5 straight at a place like Auburn how can anyone expect fans to be excited and positive? When you fail to address the most deficient position group on the roster and proceed to lose seasoned skill players (QB/WR), now the coordinator carousel and rumors of you drawing the ire of the PTB $$ folks, the faith in the HC just lessens.
  3. Sometimes it seems Auburn's PTB (name names for a change), and big wigs are always looking for an excuse to be offended so the can pull their financial support. For yrs under Gus we heard the same exact stories and Lord knows while Gus wasn't Mr. Personality, he didn't have a mean or vindictive bone in his body. It's like Greene & Harsin pissed on top of the bar at a fundraiser and told the big wigs to kiss their hairy arse.
  4. Right, but the SEC gave each school $43 million in covid relief to help with finances. And IF boosters actually footed the bill to can the previous staff, then we ended up in a bigger hole. yikes
  5. Historically that's the way it's always been with them though. I remember when Jay Jacobs was AD and they wouldn't help fund the badly needed FOF? They piece-milled all improvements (recruiting wing, new locker rooms, and that monstrosity Aubietron) but Jacobs constantly had to "go back the the drawing board" on large capital projects. They've ultimately held Auburn hostage many time by withdrawing their support & funds to the point where it seems we're continuously on the back foot and have to climb a steep hill in order to attempt to get on a level playing field with our main rivals.
  6. She's a Barbie Doll, a very striking woman and she's a multi-millionaire. Just my cup of tea.
  7. Why is she doing her own shopping anyway? BH makes enough to hire that menial task to house staff.
  8. There was a family pic when they first got here that circulated on another board, that could be what they're talking about? I don't believe the Harsin family understood the fish bowl they stepped into down here and I have sympathy for those unaware that Football is a religion in the South.
  9. Nailed it! The petty and juvenile insinuations about calling someone a potato for crying out proves your statement above. Like my 2nd grade niece coming home to cry about a playmate calling her a poopoo head on the playground.
  10. I agree with you 100%. But what purpose did it serve for that insider to blast TWill on this board and claim he was clueless in an interview about the most simplistic defensive schemes and coaching techniques? TWill is gone, he didn't harm Auburn on his way out the door why should an insider blast him? And this whole thing where supposedly CBH said about the PTB just makes no sense at all. Why would BH the former Boise, Idaho (potato) HC call the Auburn PTB the potato gang? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
  11. Dripping negative info for the past 20 years. Does he (we know who he is) ever spread a positive message give kudo's or praise the coaching staff for a job well done?
  12. That's the one that sticks out to me. He said TWill didn't even belong in is interview with BH. That he was clueless about defensive concepts or how to breakdown film or coach defense. Then he said Gus never showed up during workouts + the whole story of the defensive coaches stabbing Gus in the back + the cancerous locker room. I'd wager that's the insider that's leading the charge about Harsin & Bobo making the potato gang comment. Someone who loves to throw petrol on the least little flame and as an insider does more harm that good.
  13. The rant is where I've seen this posted, I knew this wasn't the 1st time I'd seen it. Lol at the rant and those crazy posters.
  14. Is this by chance the insider that swore TWill didn't know his way out of a paper sack when CBH interviewed him? That TW couldn't even breakdown a defense or literally knew even one thing about defensive schemes, coaching? The same insider that would regularly to this board with hot tidbits after any negativity within the program when CGM was here? Giving us info on the rotten locker room attitudes and claiming Gus never even took the time to show up for workouts?
  15. I don't have in depth knowledge about NCAA drug tests. I do know that the NCAA drug tests do not allow weed regardless of what each State in the country legalizes it.
  16. Lay off Hank, or put me on ignore to save yourself the effort of commenting on every post I make. I'M not the individual that made that statement, I simply asked a question regarding their comment.
  17. I wonder what Auburn folks CBH & his staff have worked so closely with in the last 13 mos to leave them with the opinion they have? Are they working with the Allen Greene, Prez Gouge, Tim Jackson (is he still Exec AD?), a certain distinguished former military gentleman who know oversees the AD budget & finances, the NIL Company? Interesting to say the least.
  18. He better not piss hot if he wants PT. Legal in Cali, not legal in the eyes of the NCAA.
  19. Does Auburn ever go for them? Seriously, does the Auburn Administration ever court an existing high profile HC and even try to pull him away from his job? Rumor was that AU tried to court Christobal and he said no, but what other HC's besides Harsin did we go hard for? Napier? Any NFL HC?
  20. Competitive in every game is hard to stomach when when they rack up 5 straight losses and end up with a losing season. This "culture" change shouldn't take 4 yrs at the rate this roster is turning over and I don't think CBH can be honestly evaluated until the end of yr 3.
  21. How do they recruit, handle NIL & the transfer portal? College ball is whole other can of worms and it became much more intricate and vastly unpredictable the last couple of yrs.
  22. UAT now has 3 of the top 10 portal players, the rich just get richer.
  23. It's his specialty. I wonder if he uses a spreadsheet or an old green & white ledger to keep his tally?
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