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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. He ran for his life his last season here behind a sieve of an oline. 😒
  2. I LOVE that name - and he's a thumper.
  3. GOOD! So no more back 'n forth between you and them, right?
  4. Honestly, look no further than our own conference to know what NFL talent looks like. This new guy is a pro at scouting talent for the pro's and he will be in charge of identifying HS/Juco/Portal talent that if developed properly (get it done CBH) will translate to Auburn putting more talent in the NFL.
  5. Great hire! He will act as a GM of football operations, scout HS/Juco/Portal talent and act as a liaison to the NFL. This is a very professional hire, kudo's to CBH & AD Greene.
  6. Absolutely HUGE! Now just keep that 4* train rolling and haul 'em in Coach.
  7. Montgomery Catholic is 3A and they beat the living crap out of every team they played with the exception of Montg Academy in the playoffs. They finished 13-1 in 3A division.
  8. Nah, they recruit the hell out of the portal and filled a bunch of holes.
  9. Bama just got a commit from the #1 Juco player WR (Malik Benson) and they got the Oklahoma kid (4* WR) Cole Adams last week I think + the portal WR's they pulled in the spring? They've addressed their WR guys so maybe they won't come heavy for English.
  10. Yeah, ZC doesn't need to be rushed too much. He needs time to process and make solid decisions behind the line - and he'll need a solid run game to takt the pressure off.
  11. PM wrote CBH off in February and had him fired/terminated/GONE the entire grueling week of that mess and he claimed it was "based on his sources." 😒 He has lost any connections he ever had within the athletic department, now all he has left is to regurgitate stale pablum from his past.
  12. Really? A +$90million Arena, a lifetime contract for Bruce which ranks among the highest paid HC's in college ball and a brand new basketball-only-facility has been approved for construction. All that tells me Auburn PTB really care about basketball.
  13. There are no rules. The transfer portal and NIL are turning college athletics upside down. The NCAA is spinning like a top with Emmeritt forced into retirement and now he's been silenced. There's no physical way to monitor stuff like this with NIL Collectives operating independent from the universities and the coaches. I did notice that quit few of the big school NIL's are comprised of lawyers (Miami/aTm) and I'd bet they're ready to throw a lawsuit on the ncaa if they try to punish a school. It's gotten comical at this point.
  14. I'm sure the guy's just tellin the truth. 🤑💰
  15. Could be time to cut ties? IDK, McGlynn's dang good at wheeling and dealing with the old NCAA - but the NCAA is about to be completely revamped. Emmert's been pushed into retirement and silenced since his announcement. (Hoorah!) A new group of guys will be leading the NCAA and Greg Sankey is a prominent fixture in the transition. The NCAA members schools have created a Transformation Committee (headed by Greg Sankey) and they are actually in meetings this week to review a new set of rules & guidelines ranging from coaching staff numbers to the transfer portal to new investigation procedures. For immediate consideration they are addressing the transfer portal. Supposedly - football coaches at NCAA member programs have proposed to have only 2 limited portal "windows" available for players to enter. 1st window > immediately after the regular football season has concluded and will line-up with the Dec early signing period for high school recruits. 2nd window> immediately after spring practices have concluded. The duration of the portal windows has not been released yet. But the proposal goes to the NCAA board tomorrow and is very likely to be passed. IMO having 2 short portal windows allows coaching staff's to better evaluate and manage their rosters and they'll have a better view of which holes to fill. The portal badly needs adjusting and regulating. The Transformation Committee has decided they need more time to address NIL compensation.....LOL!
  16. Backed by parents, high school coaches, mentors, uncles, guardians AND now they have agents working the waters daily for the most lucrative NIL deals they can find. Everybody's got to get a taste.
  17. It was a shocker and he still sticks to his guns on the subject even after the Fiasco in February faded to some extent. PTB rarely posts, and where the devil has McLoofus been?
  18. Talk about creating curriculum opportunities!
  19. This is historically impossible at Auburn. Nick Saban himself would not have been allowed to whip the numerous factions at Auburn into one cohesive unit all pulling in the same direction for the greater good of the school. Not happening. NIL is a year old and rumor has it our Admin (Roberts/Greene/McGlynn) are still sifting through the logistics of proper communications between the coaches & the boosters that fund NIL. Correct me if I'm wrong but we're currently running 2-3 separate NIL's right now? 1) NIL Auburn 2) The Plains NIL Club and wasn't there a 3) Friends of Auburn NIL mentioned recently?
  20. I hope our coaches are in Greene's office everyday and if they don't get results go straight to Roberts about this. Our coaches are having to sit back and watch the rest of the conference operate, some like bandits (aTm/Tennessee/soon to be Texas) openly offering huge NIL contracts for to prospects while our guys aren't even allowed to have a voice in NIL Auburn? How the heck does NIL Auburn's administrators even know who needs to be approached for a contract? I'd hope Pearl is the squeaky wheel here - he has all the leverage and weight to push Greene & McGlynn to get this worked out. I just can't fathom what could possibly have taken this long (NIL is 12 months old) to iron out these details?
  21. Players and recruits are allowed to have agents represent their interests for name, likeness & imagine negotiations. The fact that this idiot agent (a lawyer) just outed himself and his client and has broadcast that Miami and he claimed Florida collectives were in a bidding war for Rashada would render that kid ineligible to play. The NCAA has never changed it's rule that representatives of a school (i.e. boosters to fund NIL collectives) can have no involvement in the recruitment of prospective athletes, and that rule still holds the same weight today as it did way before NIL legislation was passed. That's why Florida had to make a public announcement rebutting Caspino's claims. It sounds like the agent has sour grapes because he was spurned by Florida's NIL so he steered his client to a more favorable Miami?
  22. IMO a simple phone call to Greg Sankey at SEC headquarters would remedy the situation relative to our head coaches communicating with Auburn NIL. Simply ask Sankey for SEC guidelines and ask how other SEC programs are administering their lines of communication with their collectives. AND why hasn't Auburn publicized our current players NIL contracts? If a highly rated RB recruit sees that Tank Bigsby is being well taken care of then they may lean towards Auburn knowing they will be well paid once they get here.
  23. It has changed the landscape tremendously in only 12 months. See the below comments from and Agent (California lawyer) claimed Florida had the absolute worst NIL program in existence and he'd never "steer my clients to Florida" and that his client (QB - Rashada) took an NIL pay cut to only $9million at Miami even thought Florida NIL offered him $11mill for the QB. Florida had to come out with a public announcement shooting down the agents claims.
  24. I apologize if I go over the top in threads like this. It just chaps me that Auburn would stunt it's own growth during at time where the transfer portal & NIL are running unrestricted. If our own people choose to put up barriers with the current environment of college athletics and those same people go unchallenged by our own head coach's then something's wrong folks!
  25. I don't think it would take CBH doing a dang thing, let Bruce or Butch voice their concern's about McGlynn throwing up compliance roadblocks and that would be enough to get this "issue" rectified. It's not difficult and all it takes a phone call to the Birmingham offices to get the most current rules and regulations regarding a school's communication procedures with their own NIL collectives. A single phone call!
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