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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. I don't think we know if CBH is stubborn as a mule right now or not. At least he's got a few options and a good QB competition.
  2. An athlete's eligibility wouldn't be jeopardized (the only leverage the NCAA has over a student-athlete) but they'd be mandated to tattle-tell on the NIL collective that pays them huge $$? Good luck NCAA. NCAA investigations move at a glacial pace, that player is far gone by the time they'd have to fess up that an NIL representative negotiated a deal with them during their recruitment.
  3. The NCAA has no authority to reach that far and never will. They can't control booster, that's why they are laying oversight on each member institution. A university can't even monitor what their own coaches are doing under the table and behind the scenes let alone monitor what hundreds of boosters & financial donors are doing. Will Wade lost his job and will have a +10 yr show cause on his head and LSU will suffer greatly for what he was doing behind the scenes. Auburn has to suffer for Chuck Persons under the table activities. Neither university had knowledge of the phone calls, text messages or money transactions that took place, yet the universities suffer all the same.
  4. They may get slapped pretty hard. aTm's are still under their 2 yr probation for recruiting violations from '20, when Jimbo served his 6 months show cause. They'll still be considered in the "window" if they were caught in this NIL stuff.
  5. There's still time to fill in the 25/32 and 2 were added just his week, so hopefully more to come onboard. The additional slots will help if Auburn has a decent season and shows improvement. Fingers crossed.
  6. So run 'em all off while banking on the ncaa to vote to extend the scholly limits? Brilliant move by CBH & Co., all that tittle tattle in February was a farce now that we know he was playing 3D chess.
  7. The inner workings of the portal puts the full weight of NIL on them. Auburn should be doing the same while there's no regulations in place, ante up big time.
  8. The NCAA drug their feet for years, kicked the can down the road as States passed laws for NIL. They wasted tons of man hours trying to create an alternative to NIL. They fought to the dead in the courts and the SCOTUS won rendering their plans null & void, they had to scrap their plan. They have no leverage with NIL member institutions know it - that's why they've pushed Emmert out and created the Transformation Committee to make broad rule changes, the committee is headed by Sankey and OSU's AD. Greg Sankey is in DC today with the PAC12 Commissioner meeting with legislators to discuss federal regulation and plead with them to enact laws to reign what they think NIL has become.
  9. And some NIL collective have already set up payment plans to coincide with tax season so that athletes are blindsided having to pay a chunk to Uncle Sam in April every year.
  10. I got the point, and my statement was more in line with yours. The Pitt coach claims tampering then prove it to the ncaa or shut up and go on about his business. The back channel dealings have always been prevalent and even more so with the free transfer portal + huge NIL packages to offer. USC needed a top QB and they got him in the portal, they need a top WR and it looks like they are getting him too. Honestly if Auburn isn't networking behind the scenes as weak as we are at some positions then I'm really disappointed.
  11. It was said the Pitt coach has called Riley to report tampering, if that is true then I believe it should be relatively easy to prove to the ncaa. It's now rumored USC has a $3million NIL package on the table for the kid.
  12. Did Pitt's HC report Riley to the NCAA for tampering? That should be an easy thing to prove IMO and the NCAA is antsy to nab someone fiddling with the portal & NIL and tampering should get their attention. The kid just hit the portal at the last possible moment and now we see he's playing catch with Bryce Young in California. Even though: We have an NFL system, an All-Pro WR as the position coach, and we play in the NFL’s most drafted conference, giving him tape against the best competition. According to AUght2win.
  13. Questions will be answered in short order when this staff proves they can develop their roster and get a respectable number of them drafted. Until then, the guy that made the comment the there was no next level talent at WR has a point.
  14. Our SEC W/L record over the last decade is mediocre at best, 10 yrs of up's & down's. Poor player development, poor roster management and eventually poor recruiting coupled with the belief that 3-4 loss season's was "a solid year" got the last staff kicked to the curb with well over $30mill in buyouts. This staff has yet to prove that they can do any of those things any better than the last group of guys. When CBH & Co. improve recruiting by bringing in top 10 talent and when they log a winning season I will feel the program is on the upswing.
  15. Ehh, every player has potential and coaches are tasked with brining that potential to reality and helping the player develop into NFL draft caliber. Good Lord, for 3 yrs we heard non-stop about Bo's "potential" while he consistently turned in mediocre QB stats. Auburn has had a development problem for a few yrs and it's been reflected in the W/L column and in the NFL drafts. I'm still waiting for this coaching staff to address that deficiency.
  16. I agree, it just won't take long for the cream to rise to the top in this competition. A-Day gave a few glimpses of the pro's & con's of each player.
  17. Is the guy wrong though? Do you see NFL level talent currently residing in AU's WR room? Call me a pessimist but I think we can all agree our WR's have a ton of opportunity to up their game this season.
  18. The "Addison/Young" training tweet gives eerily similar thoughts to that OSU WR transfer uat just got drafted in the 1st round last week.
  19. Understood and thanks for posting this. Admittedly all I know about TJ is what I've seen on the field and read in articles. His side-line demeanor appears to be how most QB's behave. Obviously his predecessor's demeanor was different, because he was allowed to argue with his coaches & teammates in full view of the TV cameras. AU players show good character for the most part on the field and definitely off the field. Compared to some arrests I've seen this offseason at other programs, I'm grateful our players walk a straight line. I know we still have a long summer to get through, but I believe Auburn imposes a strict policy of off-the-field behavior and I'm happy for that. I hope the most well equipped QB leads the offense, whoever that may be.
  20. Candidly I hope we don't see TJ too much. But I would like to know if we'll be able to crack on the oline for Tank's numbers this year or is that off the slate now? Is your assertion that defense will be worse because we lost key players or because Macon is gone? I'd like to see a defensive game plan and a level of execution like we saw in the IB. Whether the rumor is true that Mason had no part of the that game planning or not I hope to see a faster and more aggressive defense this season.
  21. Like white on rice. Lincoln knows he has to build that roster up and quick.
  22. Where did I mention Harsin OR Gus in my statement? You said the guy wants to boost his draft stock somewhere else. I simply question why he'd come to Auburn when he'll have a middling oline, a new QB, a new OC, and a new WR coach. Didn't he leave Pitt for those very same reasons?
  23. He wants to boost his NFL stock? Maybe we get lucky and he didn't watch the draft last week. 🤞 It appears Lincoln got to the kid and downplayed Pitt having a new QB, a new OC and a new WR coach this season. That Pitt situation sounds a little like ours.
  24. In what speed? Size? Flexiblity? Evasiveness? Accuracy? Ease of movement? Ability to audible? Experience in the SEC? I'm not trying to be an ass, but what intangibles did you see last year or even in the spring scrimmage?
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