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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. There's a top Alabama recruit (this State is flipping loaded this year!) who was a heavy uat lean until he got back from his aTm visit. He told the uat coaches what aTm offered for NIL and wee man is pissed because aTm raised the ante big time. Auburn isn't even a blip on this kids radar (we are playing way too clean), but shorty got heated and let his mouth over run his ass with his rants in Bham and it all got back to Jimbo and Deion. NIL collectives are operating recklessly behind the scenes and IMO they are doing it at the direction of the head coaches.
  2. This little dust up provides entertainment for the off season and I'm happy to see those two hypocrites wrestle around and take the headlines. I do however hope for strict regulations for both NIL (as it pertains to recruiting) AND some restrictions on the transfer portal going forward. The "one time free transfer anywhere" rule is bad for most programs (Auburn) as NIL gets involved and negotiations are ironed out before a player even enters the portal. That kind of skirting the rules with borderline tampering is flat out wrong IMO.
  3. Auburn is a clean as the driven snow WED, you should know that sir.
  4. It's not hard for the NCAA to get what they want. Schools are voluntary members of the NCAA, the schools make the rules and member institutions agree to abide the rules and regulations. When they voluntarily become a member, they agree to the rules. The NCAA can rule an athlete ineligible to play in an NCAA sport if that athlete does not follow the NCAA's rules and requirements. The NCAA can not limit a student-athletes right to receive compensation for their NIL. They can however require the student-athlete to file their NIL contracts with their university (which is already required) and the NCAA can then require the school to report all contracts to them.
  5. It makes me nervous when people are told to look in the past. First of all Jimbo coached under Saban so Jimbo may be pointing a finger at himself? Second, Will Muschamp and Kevin Steele both worked for Napoleon, they learned the "ropes" that turned them into excellent recruiters from wee man.
  6. At the end of the day, regulating NIL helps Auburn tremendously. Letting the big dogs fight it out amongst themselves is all great to sit and laugh. But Auburn needs NIL regulation to provide equality in recruiting. We need an enormous talent infusion immediately, we won't be able to buy ourselves out of mediocrity like Jimbo's tried to do.
  7. Am I? Someone in the AD leaked news of the investigation and insiders have said a media member spread the rumor leaving the AU Administration handling the PR very poorly IMO. Someone (who feeds P.Marshall info?) wanted him gone and released at least one article stating CBH was in fact out the door. It's over now and the coaches left to fight for not only their jobs but to battle on the recruiting trail and in the portal as well.
  8. Ehh, Freeze also left his program on crippling probation with an SEC commissioner that has blocked him coming back at every turn. Auburn can't have Bobby Petrino/Hugh Freeze type running the football team. We use "family" and wholesome values & character to recruit, hiring a morally corrupt cad like one of those would shoot that sales approach to the curb. Cristobal would've been an interesting hire, but he didn't want to be here.
  9. Auburn has never had the clout to hire a top 5 or top 10 coach in the country, so why would CBH be judged in that realm? The guy had a rocky start there's no doubt. But Harsin is the HC, get behind him and support his staff & players rather than waste space crapping all over the program 24/7. He's getting the opportunity to get this thing on the right path, the program needs fan and alumni support to accomplish that task. I waited around for years listening to CGM's post-season promises to "turn this thing around", and "the future is bright" in the wake of mediocre seasons & bowl losses. I can at least wait a while to see what CBH can do.
  10. That is the sad truth right there, after that failed coup attempt in February the chances of landing anything better than Malzhan/Harsin are slim. All the more reason for Auburn & its fans to get behind this coaching staff & support them in every way. Because the future is more bleak than the present if we're back to searching for a new HC. ☹️
  11. We now have a 12 game regular season, I want 10 win seasons regularly with a 9 win season on a down/rebuilding year and an 8 win season to be considered a major disappointment. Historically AU is an 8 win/season program, but that was before we went to 12 game regular seasons.
  12. Yep, I believe he deserves at least 3 yrs to prove himself. It may be a painful 3 yrs, but Auburn has no business firing him after 1-2 yrs only to be saddled with an unproven coach that would still have to build from the ground up. This program needs stability and a ton of NIL $$ to build the roster to SEC caliber.
  13. Oh WED trashed 'em alright. I know what his intent and it was a choice of words, nothing more. No big deal. I respect the hell out of those players though and hope NIL Auburn is paying them very well for agreeing to come back & help us through this transition period. They didn't have to come back to work their asses off for Auburn, but they did and I appreciate it.
  14. Just my $.02. They aren't garbage. Sure they would have performed better in a lesser division. For better or worse they are Ours and they agreed to come back and help this team get through a transition period with the new staff. They agreed to go through another year of hard work, sweat and pain for AU. They never once "opted out" like many kids at one of our main rivals did the last couple of years. I appreciate that and I hope everyone of them leave here with nothing less than a masters degree on Auburn's dime. I also hope they are getting compensated with NIL $$ in a big way.
  15. I'm wondering if the coaches are using it as an excuse or if it's guys that cover AU recruiting and a few fans sugar coating the portal issue? I can understand 1 or on an off chance 2 portal guys may not match up academically with AU. But stuff like that should be known early in the process, so why keep a guy on your board if he's dead set on sticking with a major that's incompatible?
  16. Hoping upon hope that Auburn can somehow miraculously pull in 5 highly ranked high-school players for the '23 season. It would be something that hasn't happen in what 5-6 years? But I do believe miracles.
  17. Mikey, he's logged 1 yr of 3-7 vs major competition, followed by a coup attempt headed up by the Auburn PTB trying to kick him to the curb without paying the man his dang buyout. Any brand new coaching staff deserves 3 yrs at minimum to put their plan in place, work on recruiting, learn the talent regions, work roster management and solidify their staff as well as getting their off-the-field support staff in place. CBH is no different.
  18. It's BAD and has been for a while, I don't know what it'll take to make it better other than showing recruits we'll pay yuge NIL contracts to linemen once they get here. I mean like a few hundred grand a year type deals.
  19. Dang! That's a mean lookin 30 yr old going to Cal.
  20. He could be gun-shy after that UT/Pruitt mess? There's a negative stigma (for years) with Auburn's brand as it relates to attracting top olinemen and Friend will has an uphill battle to overcome that.
  21. All true and if I remember correctly you warned this board to "be careful what you wish for" when the annual fire Gus torches were lit. Auburn still had to make a change though. A team can't go year after year paying top 5 salaries and not getting top 5 recruiting classes or heck even top 10 ranked teams at the end of every year. Showing the occasional flash of excellence followed by years of inconsistency while also averaging 3-4 losses a year with an abysmal bowl record from a staff making that kind of $$ just won't cut it.
  22. Umm, excuse me.... tons of online classes are offered everywhere now. Who wants to get up and walk to class anymore anyway? Who needs in-person instruction or to wants to actually get to know their professors? lol
  23. We're unfortunately in wait 'n see mode again as fans. I'm frankly glad we aren't having to hear the annual promises of "we'll get this thing turned around, the future is bright.... yada yada yada" after another mediocre season. Now we just have to see if this crew can do better or if it's back on the coaching carousel for AU.
  24. Well, the fact that NS listened to Joey Freshwater and allowed him to change that offense and evolve it is a testament to the old geezer really. Many HC's are too stubborn to make a change.
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