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Everything posted by JerryAU

  1. Well, everyone will have different recollections as time passes. At the time, several folks knew him and his accomplishments at BSU & the job he did with lesser talent. Needless to say, he was propped up (by a few mods) and Pat Dye comparisons were made due to Harsin's attitude and his all-business approach to the team. Many glossed over the mass exodus of players & coaches as par for the course and "cutting the dead weight." All this to say, we are a rabid fan base that will stand behind the decisions of our Administration and back them till the bitter end. We'll work like crazy to paint a pretty picture in the midst of disarray and discontent. We are professionals at coping with adversity.
  2. Actually, this board sold me on Harsin very early on. I got laughed at a time or two when I admitted I'd never hear of him, folks asked if I "knew anything about college football?", that I should've easily known who Bryan Harsin was. He was propped up for having the "3rd highest winning percentage in the nation behind Nick Saban and Dabo Swinney" at the time he was hired at Auburn. lol Comparisons were made to Pat Dye because Harsin exhibited a no-nonsense "Alpha Male" approach, he demanded hard work, accountability & he'd no longer coddle players like Gus had done. He was praised for boosting recruiting personnel and even more so when he brought in people with NFL experience/background to evaluate talent to help recruiting. I was willing to give him a few years until the article came out about him not even making an effort to visit the top high school's or even showing his face & making the introductions as Auburn's HC. He couldn't bring himself to travel a 100-mile radius from campus to meet HS coaches. Then we were told months passed, and he'd never shook Jimmy Raine's hand? I think everyone accepted he was a dead man walking after that fiasco in February hit the fan.
  3. It's so odd to see the Cocks ranked anywhere near the top 10 in recruiting. I find myself having to constantly do a double take to make sure it's them.
  4. The trenches are worrisome, that's where games are won and lost. A full season of SEC competition wears bodies down, then depth becomes important.
  5. For the record, I was 100% Alan Greene when he was hired. Anyone who came in and cleaned up the plate of pure 'ish Jacobs left AND got the BOT on board to fund and build the FOF had my support. Anyone who navigated the 1)Sunny Galloway fiasco, 2)Clint/Corey Myers fiasco, 3)Chuck Persons fiasco, 4)Track & field discrimination/abuse fiasco and patched up the constant "black eyes" at Auburn had my support. It turned out that Greene wasn't fit for Auburn in the long run, but the man should get credit for the job he did and the things he led Auburn through while he was here. Now, carry on bashing the man all you want.
  6. Sickening as in, WOW! Auburn paid multi-millions in salary & buyouts for years for folks to be that bad and in the process, lowered our own standards.🤮 Halleluia for a new day!
  7. Considering who out HC is, Auburn can't be too careful & protective with issues of a sexual nature, it's best to use an abundance of caution.
  8. I'll say I'm more than a little shocked at what Little Beamer is doing at USCe right now. It's looking more and more like the talent is getting spread out more this recruiting season. And that's a good thing.
  9. I see what you're saying. I'm trying to figure out why we wouldn't try to flip talent from a position group in dire need?
  10. Ok. Let me reword the question. Is the staff currently trying to flip the top rated OLmen in this class? They've been massively successful (IMHO) flipping other position groups so far, with promises of even more to come. I hope they're bombarding every olinemen other SEC teams have verbal commits from in an effort to flip them as well.
  11. Well, they are freaking rocking recruiting in this new era .... and so is UF.
  12. Yep, I feel even more confident that it's AU. He said he almost jumped this weekend and loved everything about his visit. I'll be shocked if it's not Auburn.
  13. Is the staff working to flip some 5* olinemen right now? They are killing it at other positions, why not OL?
  14. Freeze & Co. are on a roll. I'd like to see them dip into some of LSU's class and get a flip. You know, really shake up the rival fans.
  15. AU Recruiting took a TURN, that's for sure. Lawd knows it needed it.
  16. He stayed committed to uga for soooo long, this is a good feeling. Very nice job coaches!
  17. He made the perfect business decision. Sometimes you have to take your heart and soul out of it, get down to business and do what's best for you and your future. Bo, I'm sure with the help of Pat did that and they will reap the benefits.
  18. I've seen Riddick is AU all the way. On some boards the butt sniffers & turds have already conceded.
  19. Freeze gets a longer leash as long as he shows 1) steady improvement 2) shows that he understands talent acquisition is paramount 3) shows he knows how to treat people 4) can relate to his players. Harkson would've had just long a leash if he had been about to do any of those 4 things; he didn't and he had to GO.
  20. I don't consider it heartbreaking if Freeze doesn't sign Perry Thompson. I mean the kid said he hadn't heard a single word from Auburn until the coaching change, not a dang word. Then BAM! ... Freeze & Co. make the introductions and try to build communication lines. Our coaches educate the kid on Auburn, the campus, facilities and the vision Freeze has for the program and in a few short months, the kid listens and gives AU the curtesy of engaging with our people. Bottom line, we're under construction, a work in progress, an unknown product. It's going to take time to prove we can offer player development at an elite level, a championship level culture, and the consistency other programs can currently provide to 5* level talent. If the kid chooses to go with a proven program with a rock-solid track record of developing talent and preparing them for the pro's, I won't be heartbroken. Because I know Auburn coaches are working to dig out of a deep hole right now and it won't be a quick fix.
  21. Is Bolden heavy AU lean or not? It sure would be a HUGE pick up and a dagger in uga's side if he chooses the O&B.
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